Friday, April 1, 2011

DAY 24: I had the best sign


Dear Deacon,

We all wants signs from God. It's part of our human nature.

Throughout the scriptures, there are countless examples

of God’s people asking Him to give them a sign. We pray
for discernment, but often only settle for a tangible sign.

Throughout this 40 Days for Life campaign, YOU have been

the sign to people who least expect it. Sometimes the
sign is an actual sign -- the poster you're holding.

Other times -- as Francis of Assisi noted -- you simply

preach the gospel ... and use words only when necessary.



"Thank you," said the e-mail message one of the Charlotte

coordinators received. "You saved my baby today!"

A young woman arriving for an appointment noticed the

40 Days for Life signs in front of the abortion center,
but she didn’t really pay much attention.

That wouldn't come until later. At this point, she had

other things on her mind.

For one thing, the child's father had to stay in the

abortion center's waiting room, and she didn't care for
that policy.

"They don't let your family or friends be part of this,"

she said, which "should be a creepy tip-off."

Next, the staff told her the cost of the abortion would

be double the amount they had mentioned on the phone.

But then, something happened. "I saw my baby on the

ultrasound," she said, "and that changed the whole
world. I stormed out."

On her way back through the waiting room on her way out

the door, "I told the girls there is still time and I
will have them in my prayers."

On leaving the building, she saw the 40 Days for Life

signs again. She went home, Googled the name, found the
Charlotte campaign's Facebook page -- and wrote to the
local coordinators.

The local team connected her with pro-life prenatal

resources. They report the young woman is very happy --
her child is safe from abortion -- and they will
continue to help her.

To see some photos of the 40 Days for Life vigil in

Charlotte, please go to:



Charlotte had been trying to get to the 40 Days for Life

vigil in Tempe since it started. But with two small
children, she said, "life gets busy."

But finally, she just decided to go. She took her older

child to preschool and went to pray at the vigil with
her 8-month-old daughter -- who was still in her pajamas.

"When we first got there," she wrote in the 40 Days for

Life blog, "it was just two young men peacefully holding
their signs."

Charlotte didn't bring a sign. "So at first I just

stood there silently and prayed, baby girl in hand.
Within 10 minutes, more volunteers came with signs."

She didn't know anyone, but they all prayed as one.

Still, she said, she felt odd being the only one who
didn't have a sign.

"Passersby started smiling and waving," she said.

"I looked down to kiss the very active 8-month-old
in my arms and realized my daughter had learned to
wave!" And not just a little wave -- an energetic,
both-hands-and-both-arms wave.

"That's when it hit me that my 8-month-old was

smiling, waving, laughing and ministering to every
person who looked at her," wrote Charlotte.

"My baby said more than any sign could have. She is

proof of God's amazing work. She may not understand
it yet, but she could have saved lives."

At this point, Charlotte realized, "I had the

best sign!"

Today's devotional is from Rev. Ben Sheldon,

president emeritus of Presbyterians for Life.



Pray that we may realize the generational impact of




Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife because she was

barren; and the Lord granted his prayer and Rebekah
his wife conceived.

The children struggled together within her, and she

said," If it is thus, why do I live?" So she went to
inquire of the Lord.

And the Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your

womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided;
the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder
shall serve the younger."

-- Genesis 25:21-23


REFLECTION by by Rev. Ben Sheldon

What an answer to prayer!

Who dares to say that the unborn are not human, with

distinct personality and character right from the
moment of conception?

This account emphasizes the vitality and uniqueness of

the twins who, because of Isaac's prayer for his wife,
were conceived in Rebekah's womb.

When Rebekah was told by the Lord that the older would

serve the younger twin, God already knew that Jacob
and Esau would lead turbulent and conflicted lives.

God knows us and knows all about us, including our

personality and disposition long before we are
actually born, indeed, from the moment we are
conceived in our mother's womb.

What a tragedy of gargantuan proportions that babies,

planned and endowed by the Creator, with distinct and
unique personalities and with, perhaps, a future and
destiny intended for greatness, have their lives
snuffed out by cruel abortionists before they ever see
the light of day!

May our prayers that the dreadful scourge of abortion

in our land may vanish be as fervent as Isaac's were
for Rebekah.



O, God, you formed us in our mother's womb and planned

a unique and special life and purpose for each of us,
and we do thank you.

Grant that we may pray and work for an end to

abortion, especially in these 40 days, so that no
unborn baby you have made may fail to achieve your
divine intention for him or her because of intentional

We pray this for the sake of your Son, our Lord Jesus

Christ. Amen.



To download today's devotional as a formatted,

printable PDF to share with friends:



Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney

Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: So how has 40 Days for Life affected you and your

community these past few weeks? Please share the good
news by replying to today's blog posting at:

40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road

Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA