Sunday, April 3, 2011

DAY 26: "The pressure to abort me"

Dear Deacon,

Abortion pierces the heart like no other issue --
especially when a rape is involved.

I have more reports from around the globe; but before
that, I want to share with you one of the most touching
notes I've ever received regarding a rape case.

This Sunday, give thanks for the love of God, which is
penetrating the most desperate situations and bringing
hope where the world often claims there is no hope.


"I want to thank my mother, who did not succumb to the
pressure to abort me after being raped 30 years ago,"
said this 40 Days for Life participant. "Today, she
chokes up with emotion whenever she tells me how
special and important I am to her life! Praise God!"

I simply cannot imagine what that pressure would have
been like. This is one of the so-called hard cases where
abortion is somehow deemed acceptable. But as this
woman's life shows, this is not about statistics or
"difficult choices." It's about human beings.

"I am not perfect. But because I was given the chance to
live, I can and do strive for holiness," she wrote.
"Thank you, pro-lifers, for recognizing AND reminding me
that I am beautifully and wonderfully made in God’s image."

Abortion supporters, she said, "will have people like me
think that we are monsters who must be punished for the
crime of our father. I know what he did was wrong; but
I pray for him and hope to see him in heaven as a
repentant sinner."

I tell you, her story inspires ME. But for her part, she
humbly says that she is inspired by ... YOU!

"Reading all of these responses makes me so enthusiastic
about going back to pray ... to save more lives," she said.
"God bless you all and keep up the good work!"


One of the 40 Days for Life team members in London was
interviewed on the radio recently. The reporter for
City University Radio asked Dan Blackman about the vigil
and about the campaign, of course.

But she also asked about some of those "hard cases"
where some people say abortion can be justified -- yes,
including cases were the pregnancy occurs as the result
of an assault.

Dan answered the reporter's questions calmly, directly
-- and accurately.

For a link to the radio interview -- and a photo of the
40 Days for Life vigil in London, please go to:



Every Saturday, Mary Anne in Ithaca keeps seeing two
people standing on the porch at Planned Parenthood
wearing escort vests.

"We continue to pray for these two escorts," she said,
"that one day they will be escorted out of that place
and be free."

Mary Anne says 40 Days for Life is having a definite
impact. "We received some comments from those walking
by us, saying we are doing the right thing." Those
people are always invited to join the vigil.

"Praise God for all His graces and mercy," she said.
"We should never underestimate the power of prayer.
The Lord is touching hearts."

To see a photo of people praying at the 40 Days for
Life vigil in Ithaca -- yes, it's another picture of
some great kids! -- please go to:


Today's devotional is from Fr. Frank Pavone, national
director of Priests for Life.


Pray that we fully recognize in the unborn child our
brother, our sister, and we recommit ourselves to care
for them.


Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the
field." And while they were in the field, Cain
attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is your brother

"I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's

The Lord said, "What have you done? Listen! Your
brother's blood cries out to me from the ground."

-- Genesis 4:8-10


After Cain committed the first murder in human
history, God asked him, "Where is your brother?"

He replied by saying, "I don't know."

In 1973, the Supreme Court was asked the same
question, and gave the same answer.

Unable to admit that the unborn children are our
brothers and sisters, the Supreme Court said in its
Roe v. Wade ruling, "We need not resolve the difficult
question of when life begins."

Boil all that down to three words, and it's, "I don't

The question, "Where is your brother?" will be asked
at the final judgment. Each person will answer it and
be judged by it. May we be judged to have recognized
and loved all our brothers and sisters, born and

By participating in the 40 Days for Life, we have been
answering that question each day, going to where our
brothers and sisters are killed, and proclaiming that
we have a responsibility to them.

By all the pro-life work we will continue to do, we
likewise answer that question which reaches from one
end of human history to the other.


Father, today we hear your voice, and we respond to
the question you ask each of us: "Where is your

We recognize in the unborn child our brother, our
sister, and we recommit ourselves today to care for

Yes, Father, you have entrusted us to the care of one
another. We rejoice that you have given us the grace
to respond.

As we work to renew our culture, we look forward to
the great day of the coming of your Son, when every
eye will see him, even of those who pierced him, and
every knee shall bend, and every tongue confess, to
the glory of God the Father, that Jesus Christ is
Lord! Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


Have a blessed Sunday, and know how much I appreciate
you, Deacon!

Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Are there special people in your town who are making
a difference with your 40 Days for Life campaign? Please
share the good news by replying to today's blog entry:

40 Days for Life

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Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA