Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It’s Obamacare, Stupid:

Obamacare is not an extraneous issue to the budget fight. It is the fight.

The Wall Street Journal penned a disingenuous op-ed lauding the spending deal as the ” first victory for the Tea Party.”  They further admonished conservatives for criticizing the deal.   Here is what they had to say:

“Republicans also showed they are able to make the compromises required to govern. We realize that “governing” can often be an excuse for incumbent self-interest. But this early show of political maturity will demonstrate to independents that the freshmen and tea party Republicans they elected in November aren’t the yahoos of media lore. A government shutdown over a spending difference of $7 billion and some policy riders would have made the GOP look reckless for little return….

Now the battle moves to the debt ceiling increase and Paul Ryan’s new 2012 budget later this year, and there are lessons from this fight to keep in mind.One is to focus on spending and budget issues, not extraneous policy fights.” (emphasis added)

Let’s get this straight.  Republicans won their biggest electoral victory in 70 years over the issue of Obamacare, yet it is merely an “extraneous policy fight” to the Journal’s editors?  Republicans pledged to defund Obamacare and now they are admitting that they will never employ any meaningful tactic to force the issue.  In fact, they voted to extend an Obamacare program in March.

Read more here: http://www.redstate.com/dhorowitz3/2011/04/11/its-obamacare-stupid/