Wednesday, August 10, 2011 Pro-Life News Report 8/9/11 Pro-Life News Report
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

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Current Headlines

Top Stories
• Bus Tour Promoting Pro-Life Values Kicks Off in Iowa Today

• Radio Ad Touts GOP 2012 Candidates Signing Pro-Life Pledge

UK: Statistics Show One Adoption for Every 2,235 Abortions
• Botched Abortions Prompt Investigation of Three Abortionists

More Pro-Life News
• Texas Right to Life Defends Pro-Life Ultrasound Law in Court
• Study: Gender Test Works, Could Lead to Sex-Selection Abortions
• Gov. Chris Christie Highlights Non-Abortion Women s Clinics
• Bad Pro-Abortion Logic: Rock is to Fetus as Adult is to
• China s Vow to Stop Sex-Selection Abortions Likely an Empty Promise
• Catholic Bishops Present Pro-Life Awards to Three Advocates


Bus Tour Promoting Pro-Life Values Kicks Off in Iowa Today
With Republican presidential candidates debating on Thursday and voters in Iowa heading to the influential Ames Straw Poll on Saturday, pro-life groups are kicking off a bus tour meant to urge the GOP candidates to keep pro-life issues in mind.

The Susan B. Anthony List, along with the Family Research Council and the National Organization for Marriage will stop in Des Moines, Oskaloosa, Washington, Muscatine, Davenport and Iowa City as part of the Values Voter Bus Tour that will cover 1,305 miles in four days with events in 22 cities.

President Obama is the most pro-abortion President in United States history and has threatened individual states for exercising their right to de-fund Planned Parenthood. He s shown his willingness to shut down the government in order to keep Planned Parenthood funded with our tax dollars and even threatened individual states for exercising their right to de-fund the organization, says Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser. SBA List will get the word out to straw poll and caucus goers on which candidates have taken its Pro-Life Presidential Leadership Pledge and can be counted on as a strong leader in defending human life.

With more than 4,000 unborn children dying each and every day in this country, we can t afford another four years of the Obama Administration s anti-Life policies, she said. But with the radical pro-abortion lobby prepared to do anything to defend their most powerful ally, we re going to need all hands on deck on the road to 2012 victory.

It s time to elect a true pro-life leader to the White House. And that effort begins in Iowa the first in the nation state, she said.

Radio Ad Touts GOP 2012 Candidates Signing Pro-Life Pledge
A national pro-life organization is running a new radio ad across Iowa touting the presidential candidates who signed the pro-life pledge the Susan B. Anthony List put forward last month.

Republican presidential hopefuls Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Thaddeus McCotter and Ron Paul all signed the pledge while Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Jon Huntsman did not even though they each have pro-life positions.

The pledge has the candidates promising to support only judicial nominees who won t interpret the Constitution in a way that supports Roe v. Wade, select pro-life Cabinet members on positions affecting abortion policy, supporting legislation to stop taxpayer funding of abortions and Planned Parenthood, and to support a fetal pain bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Susan B. Anthony List today announced a three day, $15,000 radio ad campaign in Iowa to encourage Republican voters in the state to cast their vote in the Ames Straw Poll for a Presidential candidate who has signed its pro-life pledge.

The purpose of the ad is to urge pro-life voters in Iowa to only vote for candidates who are committed to being a leader for the pro-life movement in the White House, said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. The candidates who signed our pro-life leadership pledge have demonstrated that mere lip-service to protecting women and the unborn is not enough it must be backed up by concrete action. It will take this type of strong leader to defeat the most pro-abortion president in history.


UK: Statistics Show One Adoption for Every 2,235 Abortions
Figures from the Planned Parenthood abortion business in the U.S. show it facilitates very few adoptions compared with the number of abortions it does when pregnant women visit for assistance.

Knowing that, Peter Saunders, the CEO of the Christian Medical Fellowship, a UK-based organization with 4,500 UK doctors and 1,000 medical students as members, and the director of the anti-euthanasia group Care Not Killing Alliance, wanted to know if the same sort of abortion versus adoption disparity was present in the United Kingdom. His survey found a shocking comparison.

All of which made me wonder what the comparative figures are like in the UK, he writes on his blog. Well in 2009 there were 203,444 abortions on UK residents and just 91 adoptions involving babies under one year.

That s a ratio of 2,235 abortions performed for every baby adopted, he explained. Or in other words, a ratio almost seven times worse than even the US which is perhaps why Britain s new adoption czar says it might be a good idea for women with unwanted pregnancies to consider giving their babies up for adoption.

The abortion-adoption comparison in the United States is enough to prompt many pro-life advocates to push for revoking taxpayer funding for the abortion business.

Botched Abortions Prompt Investigation of Three Abortionists
A series of botched abortions in New Mexico have prompted state officials there to launch investigations into three late-term abortion practitioners exposed by the national pro-life organization Operation Rescue.

As reported, OR obtained the audio of a handful of 911 calls showing women victimized by failed abortions at an abortion center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The series of calls were made over a recent 15-month period from Southwestern Women s Options, an abortion clinic in Albuquerque that it says is presiding over abortions that are clearly dangerous for women.

UNM Hospital, which operates its own abortion business, the UNM Center for Reproductive Health, was the subject of another botched abortion that necessitated a phone call to 911. In that disturbing 911 recording, the patient can be heard groaning and struggling for life.

Now, the pro-life group tells LifeNews it has been notified by the New Mexico Board of Physicians that three Albuquerque abortion practitioners are under investigation. Shelley Sella and Susan Robinson, late-term abortion practitioners who formerly worked for the nation s largest late-term abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas, prior to its closure in 2009 are two of the three facing probes. Texas-based abortion practitioner Curtis Boyd, who owns Southwestern Women s Options in Albuquerque, where the 911 calls originated is the third.

When this late-term clinic opened, we predicted that women would be injured, and now that prediction has unfortunately come true, said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. It is shocking that four women in less than 15 months nearly died from life-threatening complications to abortions, some of them in the later stages of pregnancy. These 911 calls prove that this clinic is a dangerous abortion mill that should be closed in the interest of public safety.


Texas Right to Life Defends Pro-Life Ultrasound Law in Court
Texas Right to Life is coming to the defense of a pro-life law the state legislature approved allowing women a chance to view an ultrasound of their unborn children before an abortion.

A New York City-based pro-abortion law firm has filed a lawsuit challenging a new pro-life law Gov. Rick Perry signed that allows women to see the ultrasound 24 hours before the abortion. Centers doing abortions typically do ultrasounds to estimate the age of the baby before the abortion but they don t normally allow women a chance to see or explain to them in detail the development of their unborn child. When used in pregnancy centers offering abortion alternatives, approximately 80 percent of women change their mind about having an abortion.

The Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit against the provision, which takes effect on September 1 and asks U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks in Austin to block the state from enforcing the law until the lawsuit is resolved.

Jim Graham, the executive director of the pro-life organization, talked today about the legal papers TRTL filed to defend the law in court.

Texas Right to Life worked for five years to pass the sonogram bill that guarantees that women can see their unborn child before an abortion, he said. We succeeded and passed HB 15, a crowning achievement for Life one of the strongest pro-life bills in the nation. Now the Center for Reproductive Rights, a New York-based abortion think-tank, filed a lawsuit to stop Texans from implementing HB 15.

Study: Gender Test Works, Could Lead to Sex-Selection Abortions
A new study regarding the effectiveness of a test that identifies the gender of an unborn child is raising new fears that it could be used to identify girl babies who could be subjected to sex-selection abortions.

The Intelligender test kit, one of a handful of different kinds, has prompted concerns over the last few years that it could lead to an increase in the use of sex-selection abortions. Australia pharmacies began selling the kit years ago and it eventually made its way to New Zealand claiming to be able to detect the gender of an unborn child when used. The test kit makers claim the test offers a 90 percent accuracy rate in determining the sex of the baby after eight weeks into the pregnancy.

Also sold in the United States since 2006, the test takes 10 minutes and supposedly identifies a confidential element found in the hormones of a pregnant woman when she is carrying a girl. When a pregnant woman s urine is mixed with the chemicals in the kit, it supposedly turns green or black to indicate a boy and orange or yellow to indicate a girl.

Now, researchers published an article in the Wednesday issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association using a process similar to the kit to identify the gender of the child in 6,000 pregnancies and the research finds the test is surprisingly accurate. The researchers examined 57 published studies involving sex-identification during pregnancy, although the method was not necessarily the same as the kit sold worldwide.


Gov. Chris Christie Highlights Non-Abortion Women s Clinics
When New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie repeatedly vetoed state taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business, he said it didn t need taxpayer funds in part because clinics are available across the state that provide health care for women without also doing abortions.

Kansas, Indiana and other states that have yanked or cut funding to the nation s biggest abortion business have made the same arguments and, on Monday, Christie toured a non-abortion health clinic catering to women to show off the services it provides.

Christie visited the Southern Jersey Family Medical Center s Burlington City Health Center to kick off National Health Center Week.

The Burlington City Health Center and all of our New Jersey community health centers are an essential part of our health safety net for those who otherwise would not have a medical home, Christie said, according to Newsroom Jersey. These centers offer affordable, high-quality care to residents and families in need. I am proud of the strong support my administration has provided for community health centers in the budget $113 million in Medicaid and $46.4 million for the uninsured. With this assistance, we are making sure the people and communities who rely on these services lead healthy lives now and in the future.

Michele Jaker, executive director of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of New Jersey, immediately attacked the governor in comments to the Courier Post newspaper, and complained that Christie s revocation of the funding has forced Planned Parenthood to close some of its centers and cut back at other locations all of which do abortions or refer for them.

Bad Pro-Abortion Logic: Rock is to Fetus as Adult is to
Just when I think I have seen every possible way a pro-choicer can perform mental gymnastics trying to convince themselves that somehow a fetus is not human, they surprise me. This one takes the cake.

China s Vow to Stop Sex-Selection Abortions Likely an Empty Promise
AP reported yesterday that China vows [a] crackdown on sex-selective abortions to close the gendercide gap. Don t hold your breath.

Colorado Supreme Court Asked to Revive Abortion Funding Lawsuit
The Alliance Defense Fund, a pro-life legal group, filed papers with the Colorado Supreme Court Friday asking it to review a dismissal of a lawsuit challenging $18 million in what it calls illegal contracts the Planned Parenthood abortion business entered into with the state.

Catholic Bishops Present Pro-Life Awards to Three Advocates
The nation s Catholic bishops presented awards to three pro-life advocates: a doctor, a diocesan leader and an international pro-life advocate who presents the pro-life message to Hispanic nations.


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