LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Thursday, May 31, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Democrats Defeat Bill to Ban Sex-Selection Abortions
• Second Video Shows Planned Parenthood OKing Sex-Selection Abortion
• President Obama Opposes Ban on Sex-Selection Abortions
• Obama Admin Holds Election Event for Black Faith Leaders Only
More Pro-Life News
• Sex-Selection Abortion: A War on Baby Girls
• Planned Parenthood Opposes Ban on Sex-Selection Abortions
• Groups Admit Sex-Selection Abortions Coming to America
• Huckabee Endorses Mitt Romney, Blasts Planned Parenthood
• Rep. Chris Smith Awarded for His Heroic Pro-Life Efforts
• Fortnight for Freedom Takes on Obama s Pro-Abortion Mandate
• Sex-Selection Abortion OK Makes Obama the Abortion President
• Broadcast Networks Ignore Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood
• UNFPA Meeting of Lawmakers in Istanbul Debates Abortion
• Guttmacher Institute Wrong About Maternal Mortality, Abortion
• Louisiana Pro-Life Sonogram Bill Heading to Governor Jindal
• Planned Parenthood v. Casey at 20 Years: Time to Reflect, Act
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Democrats Defeat Bill to Ban Sex-Selection Abortions
Democrats in the House of Representatives prevented passage of a bill that would ban sex-selection abortions. The legislation needed a two-thirds vote and Democrats voted overwhelmingly against the legislation after President Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood came out in opposition.
With a 246-168 vote, the bill did not obtain the two-thirds majority necessary to pass. Republicans voted for the bill on a 226-7 margin while Democrats opposed banning sex-selection abortions on 161-20 vote margin.
Tom McClusky, Senior Vice President for Family Research Council Action (FRC Action), had the following to say: We are deeply saddened that the U.S. House of Representatives would vote to keep sex-selection abortion legal in this country. That anyone on either side of the political aisle would vote against a bill preventing gendercide in the United States is profoundly troubling. Given that CDC data suggests sex-selection abortion is occurring in our country, and a recent undercover video released this week by Live Action showing Planned Parenthood s willingness to facilitate a sex-selection abortion, the American public cannot ignore this sexist practice." http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/democrats-defeat-bill-to-ban-sex-selection-abortions/
Second Video Shows Planned Parenthood OKing Sex-Selection Abortion
The pro-life investigative group Live Action has released a second video today showing staff at a Planned Parenthood abortion business helping a woman determine if her unborn child was female so she could have a sex-selection abortion.
The video is second in a new series titled Gendercide: Sex-Selection in America, exposing the practice of sex-selective abortion in the United States and how Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry facilitate the selective elimination of baby girls in the womb.
The first video detailed a planned Parenthood staffer at an Austin,Texas facility urging a sex-selection abortion and this second video shows staff at Planned Parenthood s Margaret Sanger clinic in New York City helping arrange one. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/second-video-shows-planned-parenthood-urging-sex-selection-abortion/
President Obama Opposes Ban on Sex-Selection Abortions
President Barack Obama appears to oppose the ban on sex-selection abortions that the House of Representatives debated yesterday and will be voting on today.
ABC News White House correspondent Jake Tapper posted a new report indicating President Obama opposes the bill to prohibit performing or coercing abortions to eliminate unborn babies of an undesired sex. Tapper raised the question at Wednesday s White House press briefing, but did not receive a response to his question about Obama s position.
I will have to take that as well. Been focused on other things, but I will get back to you, White House press secretary Jay Carney said during the White House press briefing. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/president-obama-opposes-ban-on-sex-selection-abortions/
Obama Admin Holds Election Event for Black Faith Leaders Only
The (figurative) gloves need to come off. I can t take it any more.
Leave it to mainstream media to ignore the obvious racial implications of the Obama administration s black-only event held in conjunction with the Congressional Black Caucus. Yesterday in DC, the CBC hosted keynote speaker, Attorney General Eric Holder, IRS personnel and ACLU lawyers in what was billed as the Faith Leaders Summit . It was a day-long voters rights conference of allies (that was Holder s word) to incite and charge the Conference of National Black Churches with doing everything they could to ensure the Democratic Party would get the devotion (and votes) of their 30 million congregants (at least those who are eligible to vote). http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/obama-admin-holds-election-event-for-black-faith-leaders-only/

Sex-Selection Abortion: A War on Baby Girls
Last year, an undercover video-taped sting operation by Live Action (liveaction.org) exposed several Planned Parenthood affiliates who were eager, ready and willing to facilitate secret abortions for underage sex trafficking victims some as young or younger than 14 to get them on the streets again.
As the prime sponsor of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, I found the on-the-record willingness of Planned Parenthood personnel to exploit young girls and partner with sex traffickers to be absolutely appalling.
Now Live Action has released another sting operation video part of a new series, Gendercide: Sex Selection in America showing Planned Parenthood staff advising an undercover female investigator how to procure a sex-selection abortion. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/sex-selection-abortion-a-war-on-baby-girls/
Planned Parenthood Opposes Ban on Sex-Selection Abortions
The nation s biggest abortion business is calling on members of Congress to oppose a bill they are voting on today that would ban sex-selection abortions in the United States.
The position comes as no surprise given that two new investigative videos show Planned Parenthood staffers okaying sex-selection abortions when asked by reporters posing as clients seeking one.
In a statement, Planned Parenthood joined NARAL, which also opposes the sex-selection abortion ban, relying on some of the same arguments it makes for opposing bans on abortion in general, saying it interferes with the doctor-patient relationship and that abortion practitioners shouldn t be charged. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/planned-parenthood-opposes-ban-on-sex-selection-abortions/
Groups Admit Sex-Selection Abortions Coming to America
Until now pro-abortion groups have opposed state and federal bans against sex selective abortions by simply denying they exist, for instance Jezebel only six days ago: [I]n the U.S., there s no evidence or noteworthy numbers to indicate that women are having abortions based on the sex of the infant .
Apparently, abortion industry leaders have decided they can no longer carry on the ruse. Public opinion is so persuaded against sex-selective abortion, the other side must have decided they have to enter the conversation in order to remain players and try to influence the outcome. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/groups-admit-sex-selection-abortions-coming-to-america/
Huckabee Endorses Mitt Romney, Blasts Planned Parenthood
Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee today endorsed Mitt Romney, the GOP nominee to take on pro-abortion President Barack Obama in November. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/huckabee-endorses-mitt-romney-blasts-planned-parenthood/
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2012? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email news@LifeNews.com. |
Fortnight for Freedom Takes on Obama s Pro-Abortion Mandate
The Obama Administration and its pro-abortion allies hoped public outcry over their healthcare mandate which forces religious institutions to violate their moral convictions, would die down in time. They went as far as to mount a public relations assault against opponents, accusing them of waging war on women. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/fortnight-for-freedom-takes-on-obamas-pro-abortion-mandate/
Sex-Selection Abortion OK Makes Obama the Abortion President
It didn t take long. Just hours after Planned Parenthood endorsed President Obama and launched an attack ad campaign against GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, the White House stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Planned Parenthood and voiced its opposition to legislation in the House legislation that would have banned sex-selection abortions in the United States. As we now know, this life-saving measure failed to clear the House today. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/sex-selection-abortion-ok-makes-obama-the-abortion-president/
Broadcast Networks Ignore Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood
The major broadcast networks have ignored the new videos exposing how the Planned Parenthood abortion business is okay with women deciding to have abortions based on selecting the gender of their baby. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/broadcast-networks-ignore-videos-exposing-planned-parenthood/
UNFPA Meeting of Lawmakers in Istanbul Debates Abortion
Nearly 300 members of parliaments from 110 countries gathered in Istanbul, Turkey under the auspices of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for a meeting organized by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF). http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/unfpa-meeting-of-lawmakers-in-istanbul-debates-abortion/
Guttmacher Institute Wrong About Maternal Mortality, Abortion
The Guttmacher Institute, a staunch advocate of legalized abortion, has criticized a recent peer-reviewed study of maternal mortality in Chile. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/guttmacher-instittue-wrong-about-maternal-mortality-abortion/
Louisiana Pro-Life Sonogram Bill Heading to Governor Jindal
Yesterday afternoon, the Louisiana House passed SB 708, the Hear the Heartbeat Act, authored by Senator Sharon Weston Broome, a pro-life Democrat. Representative Valarie Hodges, a pro-life Republican, carried the bill in the House, which approved it on a 95-1 vote. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/louisiana-pro-life-sonogram-bill-heading-to-governor-jindal/
Planned Parenthood v. Casey at 20 Years: Time to Reflect, Act
This year ushers in a major anniversary in the battle to protect unborn children and their mothers from the negative impact of abortion the 20th anniversary of the Supreme Court s decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/05/31/planned-parenthood-v-casey-at-20-years-time-to-refelct-act/