Friday, November 2, 2012

40 Days for Life: DAY 38: Finishing strong

Dear Deacon,

As we enter the final three days of this 40 Days for
Life campaign ... I have one question:

Have you prayed at a peaceful vigil yet?

If you haven't gone to pray outside an abortion
facility ... do not think it is too late. With
three days left, NOW is the time to take a leap of
faith and join the thousands who have participated.

Check the list of 316 locations, find the one nearest
you ... and help make a difference:

As we head into the closing weekend, please pray for
the 40 Days for Life local leaders who have invested
so much time and energy over the past few months to
make these local efforts possible.


"Let us finish strongly!" said one of the Kitchener
volunteers. "Hurricane Sandy will not dissuade us from
giving a voice to the pre-born!" Yes, this massive
storm's impact was even felt in Canada earlier this
week ... and we continue to pray for all of those
who've been impacted by wind, rain, flood and snow.

"Kitchener is not the typical site," this local
campaign leader said, "as we have very little
interaction with the public." The vigil is conducted
on the roadside, outside the hospital property where
abortions take place.

Still, the Kitchener team understands that the
volunteers are part of an international campaign that
will see hundreds of babies saved -- and hundreds of
mothers spared the anguish of abortion.

To see a photo of the vigil in Kitchener, go to:


Chaplain Pete, the local coordinator, visited Kenmore
Community Church, which will be the location of the
campaign's closing event. The pastor introduced him
to the congregation, and said he'd be available after
the service if people wanted to find out more about
40 Days for Life.

"A grandma introduced herself and her daughter,
telling me their Planned Parenthood story," he said.

Five years ago, the daughter -- described as a
"rebellious teen" -- suspected she was pregnant. Her
mother took her to Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy
test. When they arrived, Planned Parenthood said the
cost would be $50 -- cash.

They didn't have the $50, so they went to the
pro-life pregnancy help center next door, where the
test was free.

"They were treated with kindness and care," said
Chaplain Pete. "Needless to say, no abortion took
place." Now, he’s looking forward to a chance to meet
this child, "and invite three generations to join us
in our celebration of life event. I can hardly wait!"


"The Lord has blessed us with many babies saved at
the Family Planning Associates abortion center," said
Patti in Downey, "with Sunday being the most ever with
four changes of heart!"

Three of the mothers who changed their minds did so
after an angry employee stormed out of the building --
four different times -- to yell at vigil participants
to "get away from here and stop judging people."

She then called police, who arrived and went inside
to talk. "It all worked for the good," Patti said,
"and we learned to be in prayer and stay calm in the
face of harsh anger."

The 40 Days for Life campaign is making a huge
difference "because so many people driving and
walking by tell us they never knew there was an
abortion clinic there," she said. "May the Lord be
glorified in the closing of this blight of a business
in our city ... in His perfect time."

Here's today's devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone,
National Director of Priests for Life.


Pray that we become vessels of hope to all around us,
especially to those who minister in the pro-life


On the first day of the week, very early in the
morning, the women took the spices they had prepared
and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled
away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did
not find the body of the Lord Jesus. "Why do you look
for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has

-- Luke 24:1-5

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone

This meditation, based on a sermon I once heard, is
adapted for pro-life concerns.

It's Friday. Jesus is on the cross. He has been
killed by his enemies; he is off the scene. But
that's because it's Friday. Sunday's comin'!

It's Friday. Abortionists continue their work 3,300
times a day, tearing off the arms and legs of little
babies and crushing their heads. But that's because
it's Friday. Sunday's comin'! It's Friday.
Pro-abortion groups receive blood money from
billionaires who are as deceived as they are. But
that's because it's Friday. Sunday's comin'!

It's Friday. Liars attempt to speak for all women and
hide the pain of abortion, and ignore the evidence of
how it harms women, and call abortion a blessing. But
that's because it's Friday. Sunday's comin'! It's
Friday. People of hardened hearts guard the clinics
and usher desperate women in to have their abortions,
while keeping them from the pro-life people who want
to give them hope. But that's because it's Friday.
Sunday's comin'!

Hope does not mean that we ignore or minimize the
evils around us. It means, rather, that we see the
whole picture, which is that evil is conquered
because of what happened one Sunday morning. The
power of sin and death has been broken by the
Resurrection of Christ. We are called to proclaim,
celebrate, and serve that victory, waiting in joyful
hope for Christ's return and the full flowering of
the Culture of Life! Indeed, Sunday's comin'!


Lord, fill your people with new hope. Make us vessels
of hope to all around us, especially to those who
minister in the pro-life movement, that as we engage
in the difficult work ahead, we may experience the
peace and joy that come only from you and that nobody
can take away from us. We ask this through Christ our
Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: What's new with 40 Days for Life where you are?
    Please let everyone know by leaving a comment
    at today's blog posting:

40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA