Wednesday, November 7, 2012

ALL Pro-Life Today: The Trouble with Transhumanism

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The Trouble with Transhumanism
By Wesley J. Smith
Sometimes an article cuts through the fog of public debate and discourse to capture the true essence of a movement or belief system. Recently, a transhumanist named Kyle Munkittrick posted just such an article at the Discover magazine website, encapsulating in a nutshell everything that is wrong with transhumanism (about which nearly everything is wrong). For those who may not know, transhumanism is a Utopian social movement and philosophy that looks toward a massive breakthrough in technological prowess, known as "the singularity," that will open the door for transhumanists to "seize control of human evolution" and create a "post human species" of near immortals. Don't roll your eyes. Transhumanists believe in their ageless post-human future with a desperate passion that borders on----and often serves as a substitute for----religious faith.

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Court allows hearings in Nevada abortion case
Seattle PI
The Nevada Supreme Court on Tuesday denied a request to block a judge's hearings into the health risks of a mentally impaired woman's pregnancy. The court's unanimous ruling allowed Washoe County District Judge Egan Walker to resume the evidentiary hearings Tuesday morning in a case that has drawn the attention of national anti-abortion groups. The 32-year-old woman's parental guardians asked the court on Friday to halt the hearings, saying Walker lacks the authority to terminate the pregnancy of their daughter, who has the mental capacity of a 6-year-old. They claim they have exclusive authority over her health care decisions, and they want their daughter to carry the baby to term in line with their Catholic religious beliefs. But the high court sided with Walker, saying he has the authority to monitor the woman's welfare and hold the hearings.

Report: Parents support abstinence education
National Abstinence Education Foundation
Sex education continues to be a contentious issue in the public square, but a survey, commissioned by the National Abstinence Education Foundation (NAEF), found little debate exists among parents regarding their support for abstinence education. The findings demonstrate that the majority of American parents, whether Democrat or Republican, with children aged 9-16, support abstinence education, with similar enthusiasm. Also, parents, regardless of party, gender, age, or race, agreed with all the major themes presented in an abstinence education class, indicating parents' strong endorsement of Abstinence Education for their children.

Women are tools: An obvious conclusion from IVF
Ethika Politika
Women are tools, and we should use them----and especially their bodies----to get what we want. Not to mention, the utilization of women shouldn't be restricted only to men; women should use each other for the same reasons. After all, what are women, really, apart from conveniently evolved vehicles that allow us to pursue more desirable ends? And if you don't believe me----of course you're free not to----you can believe the scores of women and men, alike, who flock to IVF as a best-possible resolution to the (no doubt very serious) difficulties of infertility. (Or, in other cases, just because they want to.)