From Coast to Coast, Women to Tell of Abortion's Impact on Their Lives WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- Members of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (SNMAC), the world's largest network of men and women harmed by abortion, will give their personal abortion testimonies at Washington, DC's March for Life on Thursday and San Francisco's Walk for Life West Coast on Saturday.
"The Silent No More women and men have suffered years of torment because of abortion," said SNMAC co- founder Janet Morana. "This week they will stand in front of the Supreme Court and on the streets of San Francisco to proclaim that the time for healing has begun. To be pro-life is to be pro-woman. Everyone still locked in silence and shame can come forward and embrace new hope and peace."
"We who oppose abortion do not oppose those who have had abortions; rather we embrace them with love," added SNMAC co-founder Georgette Forney, a keynote speaker at Saturday's Walk for Life West Coast. "We who have lived with the pain and regret of abortion declare to our nation that abortion is unjust, cruel, and oppressive. If hope is truly to be restored, abortion must end."
Since the launching of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign in 2003, 2,739 women and men have shared their testimonies publicly at over 325 gatherings in 44 states and seven countries where more than 41,000 spectators have heard the truth about abortion's negative aftereffects. More than 6,100 people are registered to be Silent No More. Raising awareness about the hurtful aftermath of abortion and the help that is available to cope with the pain are two of the Campaign's goals.
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is a joint project of Anglicans for Life and Priests for Life. For more information, please visit our website: |