What a difficult question--since the Church has not declared herself on this vexing question--.
Let me share with you this true story--then you decide--:
It all started at Hotel Dieu Hospital in New Orleans. A very holy priest was dying of a terminal illness. A little lady, a daily communicant, Miss Noelie Cire, was also at the hospital visiting her mother who too was dying. Noelie visited Father, prayed with him consoling him, then one day she asked Father this very question stated above:
"What happens to the souls of babies who die before they are baptized?"
Surprisingly, Father simply said:
"If I die first I'll tell you--if you die first you tell me!"
Some answer!
Soon after, this holy priest did die--and--Noelie Cire had this most unusual dream:
Father gave answer to this very difficult question, he said:
"You see, my dear it's this way: when a man and woman stand at the Altar, taking their marriage-vows, they imply explicitly or implicitly if they have one child or ten children or more--all of them will be positively baptized--. This is then accepted by Almighty God as a DESIRE--for any future baptisms.
"As you know, there are three kinds of baptism:
"Baptism of Water. (The usual manner of baptizing.)
"Baptism of Blood. (Giving one's Blood in case of a martyr.)
"Baptism of Desire. (Desiring to be baptized but unable to do so.)
"In the case of a normal baptism by water, it is not the desire of the baby, but rather the desire of the parents to partake of this Sacrament. So, the DESIRE of the parents really counts!
"In other words, then, if a baby dies before being baptized, the baptism of DESIRE of the parents is sufficient--God so accepts it as a full baptism!" - - -
Noelie answered, "But Father, if that's the case, how come we all don't know about this consoling situation? Why is it kept hidden?"
"You see, my dear," Father continued:
"If this was generally known--people would be very lax in having their children baptized Sacramentally, which is very important also."
Noelie Cire admitted after:
"I would never in a million years think of, or come up with this terrific answer."
Speaking about Baptism of DESIRE & BLOOD--strange but true--here are the exact words spoken by Our Lady in the Book:
"Marian Movement of Priests"--"Our Lady Speaks to her Beloved Priests." Under the heading: 'The Smallest of My Children' (page 398, Sept. 8, 1983, Feast of the Nativity of Mary) Our Blessed Mother said:
"To Me, little ones are all those infants who, already conceived, are to be put to death purposely while still in the wombs, of their mothers. The love and the anxiety of your heavenly Mother, and of the Church, for their salvation, with the innocent BLOOD being spilled by those who despise and disobey the Law of God, are a BAPTISM OF BLOOD AND DESIRE SAVING ALL OF THEM!!!"
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You may obtain the above mentioned book by writing to: Rev. Albert G. Roux, National Headquarters, P.O. Box 8., St. Francis, Maine, 04774 or see www.mmp-usa.net (And give Father Roux my best regards!)
[Reprinted with permission from "TWO HEARTS OF WIT & WISDOM", Chapter 39]