The birth of a child is really a beautiful event! Especially when the child was such a gift from God and unexpected! The parents of John the Baptist prayed for many years to have a child and God answered their prayers. Of course having a child in your old age is not easy but they had many friends, especially the Blessed Virgin Mary, to assist them. It's a good lesson for us. We need to reach out and help those women who are pregnant or have just delivered a baby, even if they are not blood relatives. We are all brothers and sisters in God's eyes and really need to take care of each other. I spent many days praying in front of an abortion mill, trying to save women from killing their babies. Some did turn around but it was quite sad to see the ones who committed this atrocity. Imagine killing your own child, that gift that God has given you? By the way, if any one reading this did have an abortion, please ask God to forgive you, ask the child who is in heaven now, to forgive you, and forgive yourself, so that one day you can be reunited with that baby in heaven! And why not give the child a name and ask God to baptize your baby. Every day I ask God to baptize all the babies who have been aborted, "that by the blood they have shed", He will baptize them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit+
I was over 40 years old and my wife was 38 when our last child, Elizabeth, was born. She was a surprise gift from God but I knew that exact moment when she was conceived. The reason I say she was a surprise gift is because my wife had lost a child who was still-born and the doctors did not think she could carry another baby full term. It was a real miracle for us and added much joy to our family. Please allow your child to live. He or she is a Gift from the Lord!
Deacon John