Friday, February 6, 2009


Abortionist Renelique to Face Medical Board Today
Could lose license, face criminal charges in Hialeah baby murder case

Tampa, FL - Abortionist Pierre Renelique will go before the Florida Medical Board on Friday, February 6, 2009, in Tampa, Florida, and face accusations brought by the Health Department that he committed malpractice when he did not show up to attend one of his abortion patients, who gave birth to a 23-week old baby, Shanice Denise Osbourne at his Hialeah abortion mill.  An unlicensed worker, Belkis Gonzalez, then cut the struggling baby's cord, shoved her into a trash bag, then hid her body on the roof of the abortion mill.


The board will determine if Renelique will be stripped of his medical license.


Because of your calls to the Miami-Dade County State Attorney's Office, a representative told the AP yesterday that prosecutors were nearing a decision on criminal charges in the death of Baby Shanice!


Please keep the calls going to the State Attorney's office and ask for criminal charges to be filed against Renelique, Gonzalez, and their cohorts for murdering Shanice Denise Osbourne.  Call Prosecutor David Waksman at (305) 547-0430.  Then please pray for today's Medical Board hearing.


Read yesterday's AP story for more information.

Illegal Abortionist Will Be Sentenced In San Diego Today


San Diego, CA - Illegal abortionist Bertha Bugarin is scheduled to be sentenced on Friday, February 6, 2009, in San Diego, California, on 9 felony counts of committing abortions without a medical license.  Last Friday, Bugarin was sentenced in Los Angeles to 3 years, 4 months in prison for similar.


Bugarin had no medical training, yet cruelly did abortions on women - many without pain medication or anesthesia - that resulted in a number of complications, including botched, incomplete abortions.  One abortion landed a woman in the hospital three times.  Her six abortion mills, which targeted vulnerable women in Hispanic communities, have closed.


"Please join us in praying that this predator will be put behind bars for many, many years," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

Read a report from Bugarin's LA sentencing


Hodari given slap on wrist for illegal abortion record dumping


Detroit, MI - Representatives of an abortion clinic owned by Alberto Hodari pled "no contest" on Wednesday to one count of improper disposal of abortion records.  Eleven other counts were dismissed and sentencing was delayed for six months. If during that time, there are no other violations, all charges will be dropped.


Abortion records and the bodies of aborted babies were discovered in Hodari's trash by the group Citizens for a Pro-life Society, who reported them to authorities.  While the clinics were charged for the illegal disposal of medical records, no charges were brought for the illegal disposal of human remains.


"This sentence is totally inadequate.  Abortionists will never take the law seriously as long as they know there are little or no consequences for violating it," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.


Hodari's lawyer told reporters that Hodari's clinics had never had any licensing violations or criminal allegations.


However, Operation Rescue investigations have discovered otherwise!


Watch next week for an in depth story from OR's crack investigators about a documented forced abortion and other problems at Hodari's clinics.



Truth Truck Joins 1,200 to Protest Late Abortions at UW


Madison, WI - Over 1,200 people turned out on Saturday to protest the University of Wisconsin Hospital's plans to start committing abortions in the 19th through 22nd week of pregnancy.  The Truth Truck, driven by Missionaries to the Pre-born, was also on hand standing for life.  The crowd was so big the police had to block off the street!


But in spite of the huge public outcry against the abortions, the UW Hospital Board voted 11-3 on Wednesday to turn their hospital into a late-term abortion mill!


Please e-mail the Board at: 

and ask them to reconsider their vote to take the lives of late-term babies.