Thursday, May 10, 2012

Controversial 'VOTE PRO-LIFE' Billboard Project to Roll Into Battleground States

COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 10, 2012/Christian Newswire/ -- Created Equalbelieves the key to outlawing abortion is to win hearts and minds one battleground state at a time. Therefore, in cooperation with Operation Rescue, our election year voter education strategy will utilize huge mobile billboards depicting images of aborted fetuses on the sides and rear of box trucks in the battleground states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, and Iowa. 

The "VOTE PRO-LIFE" BILLBOARD PROJECT* will begin within weeks and end on Nov 6, 2012.

  • Phase One -- Ohio and Florida (includes GOP convention in Tampa).

  • Phase Two -- North Carolina and Virginia (includes DEM convention in Charlotte).

  • Phase Three -- Pennsylvania.

  • Phase Four -- Missouri and Iowa.

See the "VOTE PRO-LIFE" mobile billboards

Created Equal Statement: 

"We are focusing our educational efforts in the battleground states. This strategy will have an effect on state abortion laws and help elect pro-life federal, state and local representatives. Using the November election as a platform to educate voters in battleground states is the essence of our 'VOTE PRO-LIFE' BILLBOARD PROJECT. This project will help register thousands of pro-life advocates to vote and urge them go to polls and 'vote pro-life' on November 6, 2012." -- Mark Harrington, Executive Director, Created Equal 

*Created Equal's voter education campaign does not support or oppose any particular candidate or candidates and is not affiliated, supported or funded by any political party, candidate, or candidate's committee.