Friday, May 11, 2012

Fr. Frank Pavone Statement on Guilty Plea of Man Who Threatened Him and Other Pro-Life Leaders


AMARILLO, Texas, May 11, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, today issued the following statement upon learning of Theodore Shulman's guilty plea to charges of threatening pro-life leaders.

    "I was informed today that Theodore Shulman pleaded guilty to the charges of threatening pro-life leaders, myself included. I hope that his acceptance of personal responsibility for what he did, and his readiness to serve jail time for it, is for him the beginning of a road of conversion and repentance that will reach even to the point of renouncing his position in favor of legal abortion. Violence against me and other leaders is wrong for the same reason that violence against children in the womb is wrong. Both must be rejected. 

    "I'm grateful to the detectives and other law enforcement personnel who have worked with me and Priests for Life throughout this case to gather and track the threats that I have received. The NYPD, the FBI, the Joint Terrorist Task Force, and the Department of Justice have done an exemplary and professional job. 

    "From the point of view of my work as a pro-life leader, I also take this opportunity to point out that violence and threats of violence against pro-life activists are far more common, yet far less visible in the media, than violence and threats of violence against abortionists and abortion supporters. In fact, the latter have used a handful of violent acts by people disconnected from the pro-life movement to try to tar the reputation of the entire movement, and those tactics should have no more place in the public debate over abortion than should violence itself. 

    "Civil debate is possible; people who disagree deeply on fundamental issues can still respect one another. My own friendship with abortion-rights pioneer Bill Baird, and the frequent pleas we have made together over the years for mutual respect among pro-life advocates and abortion-rights advocates demonstrate the path we can follow as a society. Ultimately, 'respect for life' means respect for the unborn and the born, for those who agree with us and those who don't. 

    "Meanwhile, Mr. Shulman is in my prayers, and I extend to him my personal forgiveness."Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit