HARTFORD, Conn., May 10, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Silent No More Awareness Campaign in CT responds to "War Against Women" rally in Hartford.
Nicole Peck, Regional Coordinator, for the Campaign said, "Abortion is the real war on women, on our families, and on our future as a country. Abortion is not safe and causes emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychological consequences often years after the abortion. Abortion left me unable to conceive another child. It is a choice I regret to this day. I found out I was infertile when I married in my 40's and wanted a child. The "choice" I made at age 15 not only affected me but my husband and family. I was never told the truth about abortion and its devastating effects, such as infertility, breast cancer, miscarriages, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, depression, suicide, relationship problems; the list goes on. The effects of abortion are real and life altering. It is not a simple procedure or right. Women still die from abortion today. Minor children need parental consent for an aspirin in school or to go to a tanning facility, but don't need parental consent for abortion. That just doesn't make any sense. Our society should be protecting women from harm and giving them the truth about abortion."
Silent No More Awareness is a growing non-denominational campaign that reaches out to post-abortive women, educates the public about abortion's harmful effects and shares personal testimonies of hurt and healing to help others avoid the pain or abortion. Women can register their regret about having an abortion at www.silentnomoreawareness.org. The Campaign hopes to reach those who are struggling with painful feelings from their abortion, are suffering in silence and feel they are alone. They encourage them to attend abortion after-care programs, such as Rachel's Vineyard or Forgiven and Set Free. Men regret their abortions, too, and are welcome to join the Campaign.
Mrs. Peck continued, "We want women to know the truth about abortion and it's devastating impact on our lives. We are the voice that must be heard in the abortion debate. We believe in and trust women. And we believe that every woman should be able to make decisions about her own body and healthcare. On that point, both sides agree. Yet, we want women to make informed decisions; women need to understand that it is a baby and has a beating heart around 21 days. It is simply not a blob of tissue."
Mrs. Peck insists, "We need to help women in an unplanned pregnancy. Abortion should not be the answer. She needs love, support, and a helping hand. A pregnancy center can fulfill that role by providing diapers, cribs, and car seats as well as a range of other services from pregnancy testing, limited obstetrical ultrasounds, pre-natal care, parenting and life skills, bible studies, abstinence education, adoption services and post abortion healing programs. These services are provided at no charge to a young woman. There are a number of pregnancy centers in Connecticut that are more than willing to help."
Mrs. Peck stresses, "Adoption seems to be the forgotten option. Had I known about adoption as an option, perhaps I could have had a relationship with my child today. Adoption is close to my own heart because my husband and I decided to adopt due to infertility. I never thought I would have a baby and yet God had another plan. Adoption is a blessing and really is the best choice for everyone!"