The Church and Abortion
A retired university president attacks the Church for having wrapped the pro-life cause in a "religious mantle" of the natural law, Scripture, and papal infallibility.
It is tragic that a learned man who calls himself a Catholic and who has reached the age of 80 has published a book in defense of the barbaric carnage around us. Fifty-four million unborn babies have been killed by surgical abortion in the U.S. since 1973.
George Dennis O’Brien
Let us pray that he will repent of giving evil counsel so that he will not hear, at his personal judgment, the words the prophet Daniel said to the first of three elders who had condemned Susanna: “You old relic of wicked days, your sins have now come home, which you have committed in the past, pronouncing unjust judgments, condemning the innocent and letting the guilty go free, though the Lord said, ‘Do not put to death an innocent and righteous person’” (Dan. 13:52-53). Who, we may ask, is more innocent than the unborn babe?