Monday, April 22, 2013

Heroic News: “Does abortion reduce the mental health risk of an unplanned pregnancy?” plus 4 more

Posted: 22 Apr 2013 01:51 PM PDT
There have been debates about the linkages between abortion and mental health. Few reviews have considered the extent to which abortion has therapeutic benefits that mitigate the mental health risks of abortion. The aim of this review was to conduct a re-appraisal of the evidence to examine the research hypothesis that abortion reduces rates of mental health problems in women having unwanted or unintended pregnancy.
Posted: 22 Apr 2013 01:27 PM PDT
When a Planned Parenthood representative testified against a Florida bill that deals with babies born alive during botched abortions, pro-choice activists claimed that this scenario never happens. However, live births due to botched abortions have been occurring ever since abortion was made legal.
Posted: 22 Apr 2013 05:54 AM PDT
The first abortion facility to open in southeastern Virginia after the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, will be closing on Saturday, after 40 years of performing abortions.
Posted: 22 Apr 2013 03:49 AM PDT
Thousands of gay 'marriage' opponents wave pink, blue and white flags as they take part in the “Manif pour Tous” (Demonstration for All) protest march against France's planned legalisation of same-sex marriage near the Invalides in Paris, April 21, 2013.
Posted: 22 Apr 2013 01:33 AM PDT
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed sweeping pro-life legislation Friday, giving his state a new law to block tax breaks for abortion providers, ban sex-selection abortions and declare that life begins “at fertilization.”