- 'Entire Abortion Industry on Trial With Gosnell,'
- Breaking: Obama backso out of Planned Parenthood Gala
- Theologian: Same-sex civil unions discriminate against married couples
- Breaking: Gosnell judge reinstates murder charge for 'Baby C'
- Obama to keynote fundraiser for nation's largest abortion business
- Dropped Gosnell murder charges includes 28-week-old 'Baby Boy B' found in freezer
- Abortion Begins with Contraception
- Obama Parties with Planned Parenthood as Gosnell Trial Unfolds
- Judge drops 3 of Gosnell's murder charges
- Boulder-based app promotes natural birth control, fertility awareness
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 11:26 AM PDT
pro-life and pro-choice parties, including Planned Parenthood, have
expressed their disturbance over the trial of Gosnell, a late-term
abortion provider in Pennsylvania who is charged with killing seven
babies after they were born, targeting poor black mothers.
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 11:11 AM PDT
Obama will no longer deliver the keynote address at Planned
Parenthood's gala in Washington, D.C., as originally planned.
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 09:42 AM PDT
a Vatican official stated that the Church could support same-sex civil
unions, a Swiss theologian is saying that if they are equated with
marriage these unions discriminate against married heterosexual couples.
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 09:27 AM PDT
Jeffrey Minehart has reinstated one murder charge and dismissed another
in Kermit Gosnell's capital murder trial. Yesterday, he threw out
murder charges for “Baby B,” “Baby C,” and “Baby G,” after the defense
argued that there was insufficient evidence to prove the babies were
born alive.
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 02:00 AM PDT
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 01:22 AM PDT
judge in the Kermit Gosnell murder trial dropped three charges against
the abortion practitioner for killing babies in a gruesome abortion
method that involved snipping their necks in infanticides
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 01:14 AM PDT
pro-life atheist from the Maritimes argued last week that the Catholic
Church's teaching against contraception undermines its argument against
abortion. But had he examined recent research on the matter as well as
looked into the abortifacient mechanism built into mainstream
contraceptives, he might have reached a different conclusion.
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 01:12 AM PDT
Planned Parenthood of Maryland thinking of a clever name for its annual
gala in 2013 rather than 2005, I’m betting it would have backed away
from “Right to Shoes.” Or am I the only one who, when reading that,
immediately thought of the 50+ jars of baby feet mass murdering
abortionist Kermit Gosnell kept as trophies?"
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 01:10 AM PDT
federal judge has dropped nine charges – including three murder charges
and one count of infanticide – against Philadelphia abortionist Kermit
Gosnell, as his trial resumed this morning. Local media report the judge
has determined Gosnell will not face three counts of murder, one count
of infanticide, and five counts of abuse of a corpse. The latter charges
related to Gosnell's keeping the severed feet of aborted babies in jars
in his clinic.
Posted: 24 Apr 2013 12:04 AM PDT
is the most sophisticated fertility charting app on the market and has
the largest fertility database in the world, according to spokesperson
Mark Shenfield. It's currently ranked 18th in the Health and Medical
category of the Apple store.