Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Legal Limbo, Assisted Suicide, and More

Legal Limbo: Another Reason to Stop Surrogacy Now

A story out of the United Kingdom offers yet another example of how the practice of surrogacy harms children and fails to protect their interests. Regulation in one country won’t prevent individuals from looking elsewhere, and unfortunately it is the children that end up harmed. . . [continue reading]

Monitoring Physician Assisted Suicide in the UK

September was an important month for those monitoring end of life issues as the United Kingdom’s House of Commons debated a much hyped “Assisted Dying” bill. In anticipation of the bill’s debate early in the month, two prominent authorities—one sacred, one secular—came out in opposition to it. . . [continue reading]

Of Sperm and Smart Phones

A sperm bank in China is trying to capitalize on the rage for iPhones in order to recruit new sperm “donors.” In Shanghai, a new sperm bank is advertising that it will give its donors a new iPhone 6S in exchange for their emissions. But, there are some strings attached. . . [continue reading]

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