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English: National Organization for Marriage Executive Director Brian S. Brown at Madison rally. Summer for marriage tour (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
2016 March for Marriage Set for June 25 in Washington, DC

National Organization for Marriage,
202-457-8060 ext 812,
WASHINGTON, June 8, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ -- The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today announced that the 2016 March for Marriage has been scheduled for Saturday, June 25th in Washington, DC. Marchers will walk from the US Capitol building to the US Supreme Court. Tens of thousands of people have attended previous marches in support of traditional marriage.
"The Supreme Court's Obergefell ruling redefining marriage will go down as one of the most infamous, illegitimate rulings in the Court's history, along the lines of their decision in Dred Scott to sanction slavery," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "The narrow 5-4 majority ignored precedent and invented a constitutional 'right' to gay 'marriage' so that these activist judges could impose their own values on the nation. In the process, they stripped over 50 million voters and countless legislators in states across America of their sovereign right to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman."
Supporters of marriage are urged to attend the March from all across the country. More information including a route map and schedule is available atwww.marriagemarch.org.
Brown noted that it didn't take long following the Supreme Court's redefinition of marriage for LGBT activists and their chief ally President Obama to push the next element of their agenda - transgender bathroom rules. "The LGBT extremists and the Obama administration are attempting to defy human nature itself and declare that gender can be self-directed and chosen based on 'identity,'" Brown said. "Obama is fighting to ensure that when someone chooses to declare an identity different from reality, such as a man claiming to be a woman, all of society will be expected to bow in compliance and succumb to every demand, including allowing men into private facilities like restrooms and showers reserved for girls and women. It's outrageous and it must be stopped."
NOM is also a strong supporter of the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) to provide legal protections for supporters of marriage, protecting them against governmental discrimination. The proposal (HR 2802/S.1598) has 170 sponsors and co-sponsors in the House and 38 in the Senate, but has not been scheduled for a hearing. Encouraging support for this measure is another goal of the March for Marriage this year.
"It's time that Congress pass the First Amendment Defense Act so that people of faith do not have to worry about choosing between protecting their livelihood and upholding their beliefs about marriage," Brown concluded.
To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, please contact Joseph Grabowski,jgrabowski@nationformarriage.org, (202) 457-8060 x-110.
Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006; not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.