Thomas Peters
is a young lay Catholic with a Masters' degree in Theology who is currently studying and working in Washington DC.
Since 2005 he has been blogging about life as a Catholic American.
This is from his blog:
Preparing for the March for Life 2009

Some helpful links to get us started:
- A PDF file with some official events listed by the March for Life Education & Defense Fund
- More events listed over at the Priests for Life website
- Details on the MFL Convention will be published here on January 7th
- Rock for Life will be hosting a training and activism week
- Bryan Kemper is doing great work over at Stand True (and they have the best t-shirts)
- American Life League is working tirelessly around the year for pro-life causes
- LifeSiteNews has an article covering the preparations for this year's March. A sample: "Gray told LSN that this year's focus would be the equal right to life of both mother and child - precluding the widespread acceptance of abortion in case of a threat to the health of the mother. Pro-lifers must remember, said Gray, "that abortion is both about the baby and the mother, and that they have an equal right to life." Therefore, "The life principles mean equal care with no exception."
That's at least a start. Did I miss something?