Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ALL Pro-Life Today: Stem Cell Deceptions: Making Silk Purses from Cow Dung

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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Stem Cell Deceptions: Making Silk Purses from Cow Dung

Judie BrownSometimes scientific progress turns out, after careful scrutiny, to be the opposite of what is claimed. A simple, basic understanding of facts usually makes this clear. But when other forces come into play, such as politics and an excess of money, what was once transparent becomes convoluted and odorous.

[ Read the full commentary here. ]

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ALL:  Investigation reveals sterilizations through Catholic Healthcare West


American Life League issued a report linking one of the nation's leading CHW Report PDF ThumbnailCatholic hospital chains with sterilization. Catholic Healthcare West (CHW) is the parent company of St. Joseph Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, where an abortion took place in late 2009. ALL's findings include:

  • CHW institutions have provided referrals for tubal ligations and vasectomies
  • Health care coverage at CHW institutions include provisions for contraception
  • CHW institutions have provided grants to organizations that promote abortion, homosexuality, and contraception

"At least one CHW member hospital promotes the nation's largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood, on its web site, and another lists the provision of contraceptives as a service," the report states. "Twelve CHW members (as of 2001) performed tubal ligations," and "20 members currently refer for vasectomies by staff physicians on their web sites."

[Read the full report here.]


How Does a Planned Parenthood Gift Card Say Merry Christmas?
Planned Parenthood's fumbling fund raising efforts reveal a fundamental disconnect with the heart of most Americans, where the majority of us embrace unborn children in the womb as a gift, wrapped and hidden until the birth-day of celebration. As exciting as opening Christmas gifts can be, nothing compares to the joy a mother feels when she meets her child for the first time. Bad taste isn't crime. But it's sad that no one at the nation's largest abortion provider seemed to have paused long enough to notice that when "Peace on Earth" was first proclaimed, it was a birth that the angels were celebrating.
Why is the Black Abortion Rate So High?
The Root
Ryan Bomberger was born of a rape nearly 30 years ago. He is alive today because his biological mother made a choice, he says, to put him up for adoption rather than have an abortion. He is grateful, though he realizes the choice was not easy. For one thing, the young white woman lived in a mostly white community in Pennsylvania, and her attacker was a black man.
China converts entire village into prison to contain pro-life activist
Life Site News

Chinese authorities have converted an entire village into a prison in order to prevent Chen Guangcheng, a blind, pro-life dissident, from moving freely about the country, according to a recent report by the French magazine Liberation. "The picturesque hamlet, situated close to a national highway, might resemble thousands of others in that part of the northeast of China. No one, however, is authorized to enter Dongshigu, nor to communicate with its inhabitants," writes Liberation's China correspondent, Phillipe Grangerou. "All of the telephone lines were cut months ago. The antenna of the local mobile telephone service has been disconnected, and six surveillance cameras have been placed around the perimeter."

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