Sunday, December 19, 2010

Litany to Jesus in the Womb of Mary:

Response to all: Have mercy on us.
Jesus, knit so wonderfully in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, uniquely human from the moment of conception in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, present at Creation, created in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, through whom the world was made, formed in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, Word made flesh, taking on a human body in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, revealed by the Father, concealed in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, subject to human development in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, whose Precious Blood first flowed through tiny arteries and veins in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, hidden nine months in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, only begotten of the Father, assuming flesh in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, begotten by God, nourished by the substance and blood of His Most Holy Mother in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, leaping from eternity into time, in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, revealing with His Father and the Holy Spirit all wisdom and knowledge to His Most Holy Mother, in the womb of Mary;
Jesus, aware of His role as Redeemer in the womb of Mary, Jesus, Sanctifier of His Precursor from the womb of Mary,
Jesus, Eternal Word, Divine Child, embraced by the Father, in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, raising His Mother to the heights of sanctification, in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, everlasting delight of heaven, in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, manifesting His Incarnation to His Holy Mother, in the womb of Mary.
Jesus, adored and contemplated by His Mother in the sanctuary of her womb,
Jesus, before whom the angels prostrated themselves, in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, in whom the very angels beheld the humanity of the Infant God and the union of the two natures of the Word in the virginal womb of Mary,
Jesus, our protector and savior, asleep in the inviolable womb of Mary, Jesus, whose Holy Limbs first budded in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, whose Sacred Heart first began beating in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, whose Godhead the world cannot contain, weighing only a few grams in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, Divine Immensity, once measuring only tenths of an inch in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, whose Divine Grasp outreaches the universe, cradled in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, Sacrificial Lamb, docile Infant in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, who was to suffer the agony and passion of death, accepting the human capacity for pain and grief, in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, foretelling His Eucharistic Presence, in the womb of Mary,
Jesus, Lamb of God in the womb of Mary; spare us, 0 Lord.
Jesus, Holy Innocent in the womb of Mary; graciously hear us, 0 Lord.
Jesus, Son of God and Messiah in the womb of Mary; have mercy on us.
Let us pray:
Jesus, notwithstanding Your Divine Nature as Son of God, equal and one with the Father, You deigned to become incarnate as the Son of Man, assuming the condition of a pre-born child in the womb of Your Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. You, therefore, sanctified and elevated every maternal womb for all time and every person, whose life is begun at conception.
Jesus, manifest yourself in the hearts of Your people as the Eternal Son of God, whose earthly life began in the womb of a woman called Mary. You could have chosen to commence Your Messianic mission in another manner; however, You showed Your love for us by becoming a pre-born infant in the womb of Your Holy Mother. You took on the total human existence from conception to death. You consented to be carried in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary and then, after birth, saved us by Your suffering and death on the cross. From conception to death we live and have our being in You.
Jesus, we adore and thank You for choosing to become incarnate in the womb of Your mother, Mary. We beseech You to bless all mothers and intercede with the Holy Spirit and Your Father, that every infant in the womb receive Your precious gift of life.
Jesus, conceived in the womb of Mary, grant that Mary’s loving mantle overshadow these precious pre-born infants in the wombs of their mothers and assist in their birth. We ask this, Jesus, in Your name, who with the Father and Holy Spirit, lives and reigns forever. Amen.
from the Life Witness Prayer Book
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May the Virgin Mary, with her loving Child, bless us!
"May the Lord grant all your prayers!" (Psalm 20)
Deacon John