Congressional briefing reveals scorn for life; and Planned Parenthood's glee over President Obama's "change of heart" reveals he's the most pro-abortion president ever
ATLANTA, May 11, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- "This week in review should definitely go down in history, as major anti-life tactics are being exposed," says Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Pastoral Associate for Priests for Life.
"There's the guilty plea of Theodore Shulman, charged with advancing terroristic threats against PFL National Director Father Frank Pavone and other pro-life leaders." Fr. Pavone said: "Violence against me and other leaders is wrong for the same reason that violence against children in the womb is wrong. The NYPD, the FBI, the Joint Terrorist Task Force, and the Department of Justice have done an exemplary and professional (investigative) job." Fr. Pavone went on to say: "...Violence and threats of violence against pro-life activists are far more common, yet far less visible in the media, than violence and threats of violence against abortionists and abortion supporters. In fact, the latter have used a handful of violent acts by people disconnected from the pro-life movement to try to tar the reputation of the entire movement, and those tactics should have no more place in the public debate over abortion than should violence itself." Day Gardner, Founder of National Black Prolife Union discovered another source of ill will against prolife leaders at a briefing on Capitol Hill hosted by Congresswoman Donna Edwards: "The agenda of the briefing was very clear, silence Black Prolife leaders, keep Black people in the dark about the eugenics policies behind the pro-abortion agenda. My attempts to ask questions and enter into dialogue with the conveners of the briefing were vigorously curtailed." "To round out this week of revelations, Planned Parenthood's glee over President Obama's heightened commitment to both abortion and homosexual marriage is astounding, though not surprising," said Gardner, referring to a statement issued by PPH earlier this week commending the president for his support of same sex marriage. "We shouldn't be surprised that the nation's biggest abortion provider is ecstatic over support for same sex marriage," said Alveda King. According to PPH, abortion rights are on par with civil rights which in their minds, includes gay marriage. Alveda concluded by saying: "Compassion says that two people of the same sex can live their lives together in peace; it's a free country. Fairness says that those two people don't have the right to completely restructure society in order to feel validated. I love all people, and want what's fair for people, especially our children."