Friday, May 11, 2012

The Gift of Mothers

Check out this website I found at


Dear Friend,

Thanks be to God for the gift of mothers! Where would we be without them?

As a priest in the hills of West Virginia, I am proud to say it was through the efforts of a native daughter of the Mountain State that the civic celebration of motherhood came to be celebrated nationally.

In 1914, Anna Jarvis was successful in getting the second Sunday of May proclaimed as "Mother's Day."

I share with you a tribute to "Mother" by Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty:

The most important person on earth is a Mother.
She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral.
She need not.
She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral----
A dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body.
The angels have not been blessed with such a grace.
They cannot share in God's creative miracle to bring new souls to Heaven.
Only a human mother can.
Mothers are closer to God the creator than any other creature.
God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation...
What on God's good earth is more glorious than this: to be a mother?

We can never fathom the magnificence of what it means to be a mother----although I think the good cardinal helps to enlighten us with his words in praise of the mystery of motherhood.

In this day and age, unfortunately, the dignity of women, the unfathomable beauty of motherhood, and the Godly institution of marriage are being assaulted by the world and the devil. These distortions have brought many to choose a lie over truth, barrenness in place of fruitfulness, and death instead of life.

You who are receiving this mailing have long recognized the assault against women and motherhood brought to us under the guise of "choice." These same wicked ideologies have made the unspeakable crimes against the unborn commonplace. All the while many of these same voices make a mockery out of motherhood.

With your help, more women can be brought through their fears, doubts, and the present climate of confusion, to experience the joys and wonders of motherhood by saying yes to life.

Calling on the help of the Lord of Life we can make a difference and continue----along with you our benefactors----to build a culture of life!

Happy Mothers Day!

Father William J. Kuchinsky

P.S. This Mothers Day, I ask you to consider a sacrificial gift to the American Life League which continues to fight to save children through the proclamation of the truth: from literature and signs used in sidewalk counseling outside abortion mills to its on-line videos and educational resources.

Your donation can help ALL and its Associates encourage women to choose life and to keep their babies! To choose blessed motherhood!

Father Kuchinsky is a member of the Board of Advisors for American Life League.