Friday, May 11, 2012

Lifeissues Newsletter #575 clear thinking about crucial issues

Dear Friends For Life,

Here's an edited email I received from Bradley Mattes, Executive Director, Life Issues Institute. I believe you will find the contents helpful in your Pro Life work.

[Quote:] They say a picture is worth a thousand words. It certainly is when telling the story of an unborn baby's development. So what happens when you combine the visual with words of the mighty pen? I'm convinced that both mediums can be doubly powerful in changing hearts and minds about abortion.

I recently came across a brief video - just over four minutes - called Interview with an Unborn Child. The film contains breathtaking images of the unborn child inside the womb and is combined with a voiceover of a compelling poem authored by Dr. Mojdeh Shirvanian. It's absolutely heartbreaking to hear these words within the context of the deaths of 1.2 million babies every year. You'll have to watch the video in its entirety to see what comes next. Click here.

Facts are a stubborn thing - over 3,200 babies killed every day. Every 21-seconds another heart is stilled by abortion. The abortion industry prefers to hide this grim reality brought about by their greed for blood money. Please watch this brief film and then share it with your family and friends through email, Facebook, and Twitter. When it comes to the battle of protecting the babies and their mothers, it's tools like this that can melt the hearts of even the most dedicated pro-abortion person.

An inspirational message spoken from the heart of an unborn child.

God Bless,
Jerry Novotny, OMI

(The Difference is LIFE) "Nothing we do to defend the human person, no matter how small, is ever unfruitful or forgotten. Our actions touch other lives and move other hearts in ways we can never fully understand in this world. Don't ever underestimate the beauty and power of the witness you give in your pro-life work." - Archbishop Charles Chaput

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**************************************** Newsletter #575
May 13, 2012



1. Forced Abortion in America
2. Expert Says Sex Selection Abortions Happening in the U.S., Many Coerced
3. The Truth About "Back Alley" Abortions
4. Rehash of Abortion Safety Claim Ignores All Inconvenient Evidence to the Contrary
5. In these prisons, a million have died and only three escaped
6. Urgent calls for action on Indonesia's child smokers
7. India rape victims 'made to suffer twice'
8. Uzbekistan's policy of secretly sterilising women
9. Warning over online 'smart drugs' that can kill
10. Stem-Cell Rules Go Unheeded
11. Women cannot rewind the 'biological clock'
12. Stem cell clinic that 'preyed on the vulnerable'

(Focus on Asia): "Nepal's is Asia's third poorest country" -  About 33.9 per cent of the population lives with less than US$ 1.25. Only Bangladesh and India are worse off, but the WB report does not consider the country's growing gap between rich and poor.


ITEM #1: Forced Abortion in America

This downloadable, 22-page report (in pdf form) summarizes research, information and news reports of pregnancy-related discrimination, exploitation, abuse, coercion, violence and homicide when women try to resist unwanted abortions. From deceptive or coercive counseling to job and housing discrimination, pregnancy- or abortion-related violence or murder, abortion on demand has put the rights and lives of both babies and mothers at risk.


ITEM #2: Expert Says Sex Selection Abortions Happening in the U.S., Many Coerced

Puri's report, published in Social Science and Medicine this last April, makes for grim reading. Women told Puri of their guilt over their sex-selection abortions, how they felt that they were unable to "save" their daughters. Even the women who turned out to be carrying boys this time around could not shake their remorse over having earlier aborted daughters in this deadly game of reproductive roulette.


ITEM #3: The Truth About "Back Alley" Abortions

With the arrest of Dr. Kermit Gossnell and his associates for running an abortion "house of horrors" in Philadelphia, and legislative proposals to strip Planned Parenthood of government funding at the state and federal levels, abortion advocates are falling back on the claim that any effort to regulate the abortion industry will lead to the closing of clinics and a rise in dangerous "back alley" abortions. But these claims are based on myths. The truth is that legal abortion has increased, rather than prevented, the pain, suffering and exploitation of women.


ITEM #4: Rehash of Abortion Safety Claim Ignores All Inconvenient Evidence to the Contrary

The most damning evidence of the authors' biases is that their "review" of the evidence totally ignores numerous record-based studies using data from both the United States and Finland  -  studies that clearly show that abortion is associated with significantly higher mortality than both childbirth and not being pregnant.


ITEM #5: In these prisons, a million have died and only three escaped

In a shocking new book about North Korea's gulag, the protagonist tells how a six-year-old girl was beaten to death for hiding grains of maize in her pockets.


ITEM #6: Urgent calls for action on Indonesia's child smokers

A 2007 study threw up some startling statistics: 1.9 percent of children start to smoke as early as four years old; two million children aged under 10 have sampled a cigarette; and the number of teenage smokers jumped from 71,000 in 1995 to 426,000 in 2007. While smoking in many regions, including some parts of Asia, is generally on the decline, it is actually on the rise in Indonesia, the only ASEAN country that has not agreed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FTCT).


ITEM #7 India rape victims 'made to suffer twice'

A recent undercover investigation carried out by a weekly news magazine and news channel in India has shocked the nation after revealing police apathy toward rape victims.


ITEM #8: Uzbekistan's policy of secretly sterilising women

The BBC has been told by doctors that Uzbekistan is running a secret programme to sterilise women - and has talked to women sterilised without their knowledge or consent.


ITEM #9: Warning over online 'smart drugs' that can kill

An increase in the use of 'smart drugs' to boost intelligence, lose weight, improve mood and increase fitness has prompted experts to warn they often contain harmful banned substances that can cause serious side effects.


ITEM #10: Stem-Cell Rules Go Unheeded

An attempt by the Chinese health ministry to enforce a ban on the clinical use of unapproved stem-cell treatments has had little effect. Three months after the Chinese health ministry ramped up its efforts to enforce a ban on the clinical use of unapproved stem-cell treatments, a Nature investigation reveals that businesses around the country are still charging patients thousands of dollars for these unproven therapies.


ITEM #11: Women cannot rewind the 'biological clock'

Many women do not fully appreciate the consequences of delaying motherhood, and expect that assisted reproductive technologies can reverse their aged ovarian function, Yale researchers reported in a study published in a recent issue of Fertility and Sterility.


ITEM #12: Stem cell clinic that 'preyed on the vulnerable'

For the incurably ill, it is a message of hope: for a fee of between £10,000 and £40,000, sufferers of illnesses such as heart disease, Parkinson's, autism and cerebral palsy can buy themselves hope at Cells4health's clinic. The website is slickly designed, alluringly upbeat and carefully phrased. "Despite the huge advances which have been made recently, there is no guarantee for the success of stem cell therapy," it says, which is medically true. But the next sentence is more concerning: "Nevertheless, every week we see this new 'medicine' helping a lot of people and improving the quality of life of many patients."

What the website does not mention is that Cells4health is the latest business venture of a Dutch scientist - Dr Cornelis Kleinbloesem - whose last venture in Germany was forced to close down in the wake of the death of a child injected with stem cells into his brain.



1. BE INFORMED: "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6. Visit Website for insights into current Life Issues Access to all prior Newsletters is located in the Archives on main page.

2. PRAY DAILY: for the courage to be God's presence in society and to strongly support those who are deemed "unworthy of life". "If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

3. BECOME INVOLVED: Several years ago Fr. Jerry created a project entitled, "Journey for Life into the Heart of Asia". The project appeals for donations to help finance plane travel for lectures and seminars to developing countries in Asia. Strong focus is centered on reaching Asian Catholic Major Seminaries, Universities, Parishes, Hospitals and Family/Pro Life related groups. The lectures place emphasis on "The Asian Family at Crossroads: Life Issues, Trends and Challenges".

For information about no-cost Pro Life Talks to your group in Asia: contact Fr. Jerry at

To become a supportive Missionary participant for this Asian project, kindly send your donations to:

** Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI

**, Editor

** Akebono-cho 1-15-9

** Kochi City, Japan, 780-8072

(or transfer donation directly to ProLife bank account: Jerome Novotny, Shikoku Bank, Asakura Branch, No. 102-1-0080824)


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Contact EDITOR:

Jerry Novotny, OMI

Akebono-cho 1-15-9

Kochi City, Japan, 780-8072

[tel/fax: 088-843-0406]


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