Friday, May 11, 2012

Brave mother

No one would drive her to abortion


The following report came in a May 5 email. 

Dear Pro-life friends, 

The pure power of prayer was alive at Family Planning Associates [Miramar Road in San Diego] today. Without any verbal assistance from the counselors, a woman left FPA after having found out her baby was already 14 weeks. 

She met one of the counselors as she was leaving the mill and stated that once they determined the baby was that far along she could no longer do it. She began to cry. The counselor asked her if she saw her baby and she said that she did not because once they did the ultrasound to determine the age of the baby they turned the monitor off and would not let her see the baby. 

The counselor gave her information to go to Culture of Life Family Services, and this brave mother said she would call if she needed help. She is a mother with two children already, and she is single yet her heart and conscience are alive, as she knows that it is wrong to kill. 

She came by herself because she said no one would drive her to get an abortion, so she will have lots of support from friends and family. Please keep “M” in your prayers. God bless our brave prayer warriors who came today to FPA and for all the prayers that helped this mother choose life. 

On the other side of town, we had about 40 prayer warriors for the First Saturday Rosary Procession to Planned Parenthood downtown. We were not aware of any saves at pp, but as noted above, no prayer is wasted.