Wednesday, May 9, 2012

LifeNews Pro-Life News Report 5/9/12 Pro-Life News Report
Wednesay, May 9, 2012

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Current Headlines

Top Stories
• Planned Parenthood Appears OK With Sex-Selection Abortions
• Abortion Practitioner to Quit Doing Abortions Next Month

• Congress to Hear Bill Banning Abortions at 20 Weeks in DC

• Romney Takes on Obama s Bogus Life of Julia Campaign

More Pro-Life News
• Congressman Applauds Obama for Changing Abortion Stance
• Chen Guangcheng Documented 7,000 Forced Abortion Cases
• Union Forces Planned Parenthood Biz to Cancel Fundraiser
• Republican Congressman Defends Planned Parenthood Funding
• Biased Guttmacher Study Claims Women Confident of Abortion Decision
• Study: Legal Abortions Don t Decrease Maternal Mortality
• Alabama Sends Bill Dropping Abortion Funds in Obamacare to Gov
• Wisconsin Recall a Huge Pro-Abortion vs. Pro-Life Battle
• West Virginia: 88% of Pro-Life Candidates Win Primaries
• Filipino Youth Pack Pro-Life Event, Sign Pledge Against RH Bill
• Pro-Life Advocates Stand Their Ground at the United Nations

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Planned Parenthood Appears OK With Sex-Selection Abortions
How would Americans react to find out that the nation s biggest abortion business iss fine with women coming through the doors of its clinics and arranging an abortion merely because the gender of their unborn children is not what the women preferred.

The Planned Parenthood abortion business believes it has become the subject of another undercover investigation spearheaded by Live Action, which has exposed its willingness to help sex traffickers arrange abortions for their victims. This time, Planned Parenthood thinks Live Action is sending undercover investigators to determine whether or not its staff would facilitate abortions as a means of determining the sex of a child.

Abortion Practitioner to Quit Doing Abortions Next Month
The home of the so-called Happiest Place on Earth will get a little more happy as news surfaces today that Florida abortion practitioner Scott Spagnolo-Hye will hang up his forceps next month and stop doing abortions.

The Orlando, Florida-based abortion practitioner revealed in a videotaped conversation that June 2 will be the last day he does abortions in the central Florida city. Jill Stanek uncovered the video showing him speaking to a local pro-life advocate, one of many who have protested at his four abortion centers.

Congress to Hear Bill Banning Abortions at 20 Weeks in DC
A U.S. House committee will hold a hearing next week on new legislation that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy in the District of Columbia based on scientific evidence showing unborn children feel pain.

Arizona Republican Congressman Trent Franks introduced the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. He told The Hill today that the Judiciary Subcommitee on the Constitution, which he is the chairman of, will hear testimony May 17 on the legislation.

Romney Takes on Obama s Bogus Life of Julia Campaign
In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney took President Obama to task on his party s divisive war on women rhetoric and the Obama campaign s The Life of Julia cartoon which purports to show how Obama policies benefit women.

Romney told Hannity, The effort to describe Republicans as being anything other than extraordinarily pro-woman, pro-opportunity for women of America, pro-moms, pro-working moms, pro-working women look, that kind of effort is totally missing the mark, and people understand that.

Congressman Applauds Obama for Changing Abortion Stance
A member of Congress has a sarcastic take on the controversy generated by the Obama administration over a White House visitors policy that requires pregnant women to register their unborn children when they check in at the front door.

As LifeNews reported, the director of the White House Visitor s Office, Ellie Shafer, distributed an email newsletter to members of Congress and others providing detailed instructions on how to register an unborn child ( a baby that has not yet been born, as Shafer puts it) into the security system the White House uses to arrange group tours.

Chen Guangcheng Documented 7,000 Forced Abortion Cas
I was going to devote this page to my recent trip to New Zealand, where I gave seven talks to a total of over 3,000 people. But then a blind Chinese human rights activist named Chen Guangcheng escaped from house arrest, and my phone began to ring off the hook.

The media wanted to know what I thought of this case, so similar to my own. You see, Chen originally got in trouble in the same manner that I did: by reporting on forced abortions and forced sterilizations being carried out by Communist Party officials in the village he was living in.

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Union Forces Planned Parenthood Biz to Cancel Fundraiser
A union in Oregon has forced a local Planned Parenthood abortion business to cancel its plans for a fundraising dinner because of squabbles between the abortion giant and the Service Employees International Union, with which staff at the abortion business affiliated.

Last year, workers at Planned Parenthood in Oregon voted to unionize with the Service Employees International Union. Some 161 care providers at Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette (PPCW) voted to form a union with SEIU Local 49 in a National Labor Relations Board Election (NLRB). The vote was a strong majority for the union with a tally of: 97 yes for the union and 43 no.

Republican Congressman Defends Planned Parenthood Funding
A Republican congressman is holding a press conference today to blast his GOP colleagues for their sustained efforts to revoke federal taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation s largest abortion business.

Biased Guttmacher Study Claims Women Confident of Abortion Decision
In the June publication of Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (a Guttmacher Institute publication), pro-abortion researchers argue in the article Attitudes and Decision Making Among Women Seeking Abortions at One U.S. Clinic that laws requiring that women be given pertinent information before choosing abortion are unnecessary.

Study: Legal Abortions Don t Decrease Maternal Mortality
A new study conducted on behalf of the Chilean Maternal Mortality Research Initiative (CMMRI) reaffirms that legalized abortion does not reduce the rate of maternal mortality. To the contrary, since Chile enacted a law protecting unborn children in 1989, the maternal mortality rate has dropped significantly.

Alabama Sends Bill Dropping Abortion Funds in Obamacare to Gov
Alabama is poised to join 16 other states in barring abortion funding in the state healthcare exchanges established under the Obama healthcare law.

Wisconsin Recall a Huge Pro-Abortion vs. Pro-Life Battle
Tuesday s Wisconsin primary sets the stage for the upcoming recall election in June. Democratic voters chose pro-abortion Tom Barrett, the mayor of Milwaukee, as their candidate to go up against pro-life incumbent Gov. Scott Walker (R).

West Virginia: 88% of Pro-Life Candidates Win Primaries
The pro-life community in West Virginia had an excellent night during its primary election last night as 88 percent of the candidates the main statewide pro-life group endorsed made it past their primary and on to the general election.

Filipino Youth Pack Pro-Life Event, Sign Pledge Against RH Bill
As the congressional session resumed in the Philippines on Monday, hundreds of young pro-life activists filled the gallery of the House of Representatives in a show of opposition to the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill which continues to threaten the protections for life and family guaranteed by the Filipino Constitution.

Pro-Life Advocates Stand Their Ground at the United Nations
Founded in 1946, the Commission on Population and Development was charged by the United Nations to carry on the demographic research that had originated with the League of Nations and to report back to the General Assembly on population trends.

Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2012?
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email


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