Wednesday, May 9, 2012

LifeSiteNews - Wednesday May 9 2012

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

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Today’s blog posts:

Abortionist announces to pro-life world on camera he’s quitting the biz - Jill Stanek
‘Thank you for showing me the truth’: graphic images work - Fr. Frank Pavone

Obama endorses gay ‘marriage’: says support based on Jesus, Golden Rule

Ben Johnson Wed May 09 14:59 EST Faith

Barack Obama told ABC News, “I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.”

Late-term healthy twins counted as ‘severe fetal anomaly’ for abortionist Tiller: former prosecutor

Kathleen Gilbert Wed May 09 13:53 EST Abortion

"It's Alice through the looking glass. It only gets curiouser and curiouser," Phill Kline said about his bizarre findings about Tiller and Planned Parenthood.

I am a survivor: born into addiction and poverty, but grateful to be alive

Anya Murray Wed May 09 09:54 EST Opinion

Sharing my story might make some angry. Maybe it will make some feel uncomfortable, while even hurting others.

Pro wrestler tells traditional marriage supporters: ‘Kill yourself,’ ‘Drink bleach’

Ben Johnson Wed May 09 16:48 EST Homosexuality

WWE grappler C.M. Punk puts the smackdown on Amendment One supporters.

Catholic bishops publish full text of new prayers for the child in the womb

Kathleen Gilbert Wed May 09 16:20 EST Abortion

The new prayers were approved by the Vatican earlier this year.

Landslide victory in North Carolina proves gay ‘marriage’ not inevitable say marriage supporters

Ben Johnson Wed May 09 15:15 EST Homosexuality

The media claim “the homosexual [marriage] issue is over. This debate is not over,” Peter LaBarbera told

Catholic Georgetown quietly erases mention of Sebelius as ‘commencement speaker’

Kathleen Gilbert Wed May 09 11:47 EST Abortion

Sebelius, a self-professed "Catholic," is known for spearheading the HHS birth control mandate, and her strong pro-abortion views.

Thousands expected on Parliament Hill for the 15th National March for Life

The Editors Wed May 09 13:10 EST Abortion

The rally begins on Parliament Hill at 12 noon and thousands will march through the downtown streets of Ottawa at 1:30 pm.

Toronto Star profiles pro-lifers’ ‘slick, youthful rebranding’ ahead of March for Life

Patrick B. Craine Wed May 09 07:55 EST Abortion

As thousands flock to Parliament Hill, Canada’s largest city newspaper has profiled the pro-life movement’s “slick, youthful rebranding” in a rare positive piece.

Vatican Radio tackles organ harvesting in light of questionable ‘brain death’ criterion

Thaddeus Baklinski Wed May 09 15:59 EST Bioethics

If the donor "isn't dead, and you take the organs out, then you might be killing someone," said Dr. David Albert Jones.

UK Conservatives trounced in local elections: loss blamed on gay ‘marriage’ push

Hilary White, Rome Correspondent Wed May 09 14:48 EST Family

As of yesterday, a petition to retain the traditional definition of marriage was signed by over 500,000 people.

Chen, the conscience of China

Steve Mosher Wed May 09 13:23 EST Opinion

In 1980 I was also arrested for exposing China's one-child policy, but that's where the similarities between myself and Chen end.

A ground-breaking abortion study from Chile

Elard Koch Wed May 09 10:59 EST Abortion

Before 1989 abortion was legal in Chile; after 1989 it was illegal. The author of a controversial study explains what happened to women's health.

Is it better never to have been born?

Michael Cook Wed May 09 10:27 EST Opinion

Isn’t a bioethicist who questions the value of human life itself like a physicist who denies the existence of cause and effect or a theologian who denies the existence of God?

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