Wednesday, May 09, 2012 Donate - Subscribe to Daily News - Unsubscribe - Update Your Info - Send News Tips |
Click here to View Full Text, With Photos, of all Today's Stories On One Page Today’s blog posts: Abortionist announces to pro-life world on camera he’s quitting the biz - Jill Stanek ‘Thank you for showing me the truth’: graphic images work - Fr. Frank Pavone |
Barack Obama told ABC News, “I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” | | |
"It's Alice through the looking glass. It only gets curiouser and curiouser," Phill Kline said about his bizarre findings about Tiller and Planned Parenthood. | | |
Sharing my story might make some angry. Maybe it will make some feel uncomfortable, while even hurting others. | | |
WWE grappler C.M. Punk puts the smackdown on Amendment One supporters. | | |
The new prayers were approved by the Vatican earlier this year. | | |
The media claim “the homosexual [marriage] issue is over. This debate is not over,” Peter LaBarbera told | | |
Sebelius, a self-professed "Catholic," is known for spearheading the HHS birth control mandate, and her strong pro-abortion views. | | |
The rally begins on Parliament Hill at 12 noon and thousands will march through the downtown streets of Ottawa at 1:30 pm. | | |
As thousands flock to Parliament Hill, Canada’s largest city newspaper has profiled the pro-life movement’s “slick, youthful rebranding” in a rare positive piece. | | |
If the donor "isn't dead, and you take the organs out, then you might be killing someone," said Dr. David Albert Jones. | | |
As of yesterday, a petition to retain the traditional definition of marriage was signed by over 500,000 people. | | |
In 1980 I was also arrested for exposing China's one-child policy, but that's where the similarities between myself and Chen end. | | |
Before 1989 abortion was legal in Chile; after 1989 it was illegal. The author of a controversial study explains what happened to women's health. | | |
Isn’t a bioethicist who questions the value of human life itself like a physicist who denies the existence of cause and effect or a theologian who denies the existence of God? | | |
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