Thursday, May 10, 2012 Donate - Subscribe to Daily News - Unsubscribe - Update Your Info - Send News Tips |
Click here to View Full Text, With Photos, of all Today's Stories On One Page Today’s blog posts: Thank God, Obama finally endorsed same-sex ‘marriage’ - Dr. Gerard Nadal |
Lacey Buchanan says she was even told by one person she was a "horrible person" for not aborting, but knows she couldn't have done otherwise. | | |
That tiny heart, which I had sought out so many times in the previous ultrasounds, had stopped beating. | | |
"Melinda Gates leads from her conscience, and acts on her beliefs as a concerned citizen of our world," the Ursuline sisters said in a statement. | | |
The case was brought forward by Planned Parenthood. | | |
Gawker editor John Cook called Obama's announcement "bulls**t" and hammered the edited video for giving the president plenty of cover. | | |
"We cannot be silent in the face of words or actions that would undermine the institution of marriage," said Cardinal Dolan. | | |
"Our numbers declined almost 50 percent while that campaign was running," said Abby Johnson. "Why? Because pro-life media works." | | |
New revelations that the clinic may be breaking the law are only the latest in a long and sordid history of patient injuries, sloppy practices, and dirty conditions. | | |
Under the constant threat of rain that failed to materialize, an exuberant crowd of nearly 20,000 pro-life activists gathered on Parliament Hill today in Ottawa. | | |
Quoting Pope John Paul II, the bishop said that "to be Catholic is to be unconditionally pro-life." | | |
According to documents filed with India's supreme court court, men and women are rounded up into makeshift rural camps to be sterilized. | | |
Critics say the report is nothing more than the same population-paranoia that has been sold for decades by the radical environmentalist movement, | | |
There are no historical or rational grounds for denying faith a public voice. | | |
“[P]regnancy is not the disease that can find a cure in contraception," said the manifesto. | | |
An incumbent President of the United States has now called for a transformation of civilization’s central institution. | | |
“I have vowed not to eat chocolate until abortion ends!" one person wrote on the group's website. | | |
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