(c)Mary Matasso, 2011 Thank you, Lord, for our priests! |
May 11, 2012
Dear Family of Mary!
"My children, you cannot be without the shepherds. May they be in your prayers every day. Thank you." (May 2, 2012)
Our priests are the vessels who bring us the Sacraments and the gifts of God. Here is another example of the incredible graces made available through the priesthood, shared by Vi:
Cathy, I'd like to share one particularly profound story of how the Mercy of God flows through our Priests.
In 1981, our first-born child, our daughter Melissa, was diagnosed with an incurable disease known as Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. The myriad of physicians who diagnosed/treated her told us that they did not know the histology of this disease and/or how to effectively prolong one's life. But, they were all unanimous in its final outcome - death. Therefore, in 1981, our 4-year old daughter was prescribed a death sentence.
It goes without saying that she was the center of our universe, and it was incomprehensible to us how/when this idiopathic disease had originated, and how would we ever deal with her loss. Compounding the excruciating pain further, from her birth until the time of diagnosis, her pediatrician always gave her a healthy report card. Now, we were faced with the horrific fact that we would lose our most beloved child.
As parents experiencing such a cruel twist of fate, we oftentimes made a "deal" with God, where we asked Him to take us instead, and to spare her life. A few of the hardest words for us to accept were "THY WILL BE DONE".
As time went by and she clung on to life, I found myself searching for the preverbal needle in the haystack, and sought out various healing priests within our area. We knew that the medical establishment had run their course, and now all that was left was to search out a "miracle man". After much searching, it became apparent that this avenue was not yielding any positive results.
One day as I was sitting grieving (prior to my daughter's death), it came to me that I should contact the LaSalette Shrine, a national Catholic shrine located in our own home town in Attleboro, Massachusetts. I contacted them and spoke directly with Father André Patenaude, Director (affectionately referred to by all as "Father Pat"). I told him of our plight and he graciously agreed to meet with us.
It was a beautiful October day, with the sun shining brightly and a gentle crispness in the air. Upon arriving, Father Pat directed us into a quaint, lovely chapel filled with sunshine. For whatever reason, my husband decided to have Missy sit on his lap (usually she clung to mommy). Missy was a little nervous, and tightly embraced her ever faithful stuffed companion, "Foxy". Foxy had been a constant companion for her since her birth. Cathy, as I'm sure you know a child such as this [Denis], our daughter was always "on"; i.e., she was always thinking, talking, moving, etc. Despite her state of fidgeting, Father quietly began to pray over her, and at some point, he placed his hand fully onto her head. As mentioned previously, Missy was always turned on and doing something with her body...initially, she shook one leg back and forth, but all of a sudden, her leg stopped shaking. In fact, her entire body surrendered to peace and rest. Her chin slumped down onto her chest and her eyes closed. She was totally overcome with peace. In seeing her, I panicked somewhat, because I thought that she was having another cardiopulmonary episode. However, in looking at her more closely, I noticed that she was in a most divinely-inspired peaceful, graceful state. Amazingly, she even continued her tight hold on Foxy, and never did he drop to the floor. My husband and I looked at each other with great concern, but mutually realized that the grace of God was flowing through our child's body through Father Pat! Father "Pat" became aware of her physical state, as well, and his facial expression was somewhat of stunned surprise. It was as if in that moment, this priest had come to witness first-hand the full extent of God's power and mercy! He continued praying over her for several more minutes. All of a sudden, Missy's "light switch" turned back on, and she went back to her usual self...talking, in anxious motion, etc. It was not apparent to her that anything had changed. Something wonderful and sacred happened to us all on that October day.
Our family left the shrine that morning "comprehending" that God's will would be done, and that ultimately, "He" would take her back as His own. On that day, and in that space and time, God gave my husband and me the strength to handle the inevitable outcome, while reassuring us that she would forever be held safe, secure and healthy within His kingdom until we all became one again.
We have witnessed this event to many people over the years, and some enjoy and "get it", while others shudder. Regardless, it gave us the hope that our baby girl would forever become a small piece of our Dear Lord's heart and that she would know eternity within His loving embrace. Missy entered her new life with Mother Mary and Jesus on Thursday, January 14, 1982.
For anyone who has ever lost a child (you included, Cathy), one never completely overcomes the grief. However, we received many graces of solace over the years while recalling that miraculous day in October at the LaSalette Shrine with Father Pat. Praise be to God.
Thank you, Vi, for this beautiful witness to God's power flowing through our priests. We need them so much, to help us find our way through the challenges of life.
I also want to share part of an email I received from Maureen, who learned something special in Medjugorje about the priesthood:
When I first went to Medjugorje in 1998, Mirjana told us how in Medjugorje when a priest walks in the room, everyone stands because of the honor due him and they do not sit until after he sits... In her messages Our Lady calls them her special sons, and we need to honor their calling. They carry all of our burdens on their shoulders as did Jesus.
The year Mirjana told us about the respect given the priests in Medjugorje, we had a retired American priest in our group, a beautiful soul, now all alone in the world after giving his life to the Church. That night at dinner, when he walked in, we all stood and waited for him to sit. He cried.
I wish we would give them that respect everywhere. What they give up to be our Shepherds on earth! The successors of the Apostles and Mary's special sons! She has been asking all along for prayers for them. The future of the Church depends on them. As our priests go, so goes the Church. We need to lift them up as Our Lady does us.
Thank you Maureen! What a powerful image! Along with our prayers, we could begin to give our priests more honor and respect, more kindness and thoughtfulness. This could go a long way in strengthening them in their calling. Even a small gesture of love and respect could bring healing and joy. Our Lady would have us grow in this way. She loves the priests and asks us to love them too!
Have a great weekend, everyone! And pray for me, as I speak at the Notre Dame conference. I am a bit nervous, but I feel your prayers and support! All for Our Lady and Jesus!!
God bless, Cathy Nolan (c)Mary TV 2012 |