Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• New Polls Confirm Romney Momentum in Battleground States
• Eric Holder Linked to Doctor Who Killed Patient in Abortion
• Poll: Black Pastors Stumping for Obama Again in Churches
• Election Will Have Major Impact on Abortion, Vote Pro-Life
More Pro-Life News
• Planned Parenthood Sinks $835K More Into Attacking Romney, $13M Total
• More Support Than Ever for Repealing Pro-Abortion Obamacare
• Pro-Life Group Exposes Senate Candidates Pro-Abortion Records
• Mom Upset Six-Year-Old Gets McCaskill Robocall on Rape, Akin
• Obama s Abortion-HHS Mandate a Full-Fledged War on Religion
• Hey President Obama: Women Vote on All Issues, Not Just Abortion
• Court May Force Mentally Disabled Nevada Woman to Have Abortion
• Abortion Nurse Accused of Fondling Patients, Exposing Herself
• Pro-Lifer Drives Three Hours to Pray at Abortion Clinic
• 90 Percent of People Asking Doctor for Assisted Suicide Change Mind
• Canada: Linda Gibbons Receives Pro-Life Award Prior To Arrest
• Pro-Life Activist Occupies Ohio Early Voting Center for Romney

New Polls Confirm Romney Momentum in Battleground States
New polling data confirms Mitt Romney is surging in key battleground states and could be headed not only to an election victory over pro-abortion President Barack Obama but a bigger victory than initially expected.
Roanoke College surveyed likely voters in Virginia and found Romney leading by five percent: Governor Mitt Romney has overtaken President Barack Obama by a very narrow margin in Virginia (49% 44%), according to a Roanoke College Poll conducted after the Presidential debates.
Eric Holder Linked to Doctor Who Killed Patient in Abortion
New documents a conservative publication obtained link Attorney General Eric Holder with a Georgia-based abortion practitioner responsible for killing a patient in an abortion and who has been accused of Medicaid fraud.
Human Events says Holder has ties to Tyrone Cecil Malloy (right) and that they help explain why Holder has failed to prosecute abortion practitioners who run afoul of federal laws and why he has been eager to prosecute pro-life advocates who protest outside of abortion centers.
Poll: Black Pastors Stumping for Obama Again in Churches
A new Pew poll of voters finds pastors at black pastors are apparently, once again, stumping for pro-abortion President Barack Obama when talking about the upcoming election during their sermons.
A Pew poll out today shows 45 percent of regular attendees at black churches say their pastor are talking about the election in a manner that is favorable to Obama, while not one African-American surveyed indicated discussion of the elections was favorable for Romney.
Election Will Have Major Impact on Abortion, Vote Pro-Life
Nobody knows who s gonna win. Polls, projections, studies, reports, and well-paid pundits have plenty of predictions, but nobody knows what s gonna happen.
We do know a few other things, though. For one, we know that whoever is elected president of the United States may play a major role in reshaping the Supreme Court. As the New York Times said back in June.

Planned Parenthood Sinks $835K More Into Attacking Romney, $13M Total
The Planned Parenthood abortion business is putting another $835,000 into its efforts to attack Mitt Romney s pro-life positions reaching almost $13 million in its 2012 election efforts for President Obama.
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund will spend $853,000 to run a 60-second radio ad on Colorado, Ohio and Virginia radio stations from now until Election Day. The ad relies on the some tactic it has used before to bash Romney saying his pro-life views on abortion and women seem like they re from the 1950s.
More Support Than Ever for Repealing Pro-Abortion Obamacare
You have to assume President Obama is sincere when he says he doesn t mind the Affordable Health Care Act being referred to as ObamaCare, described as the president s signature domestic achievement and the source of a multi-year, major national policy debate about the role of government, health care, and insurance regulation.
(Alas, such shorthand misses that ObamaCare is not only riddled with abortion language and incentives but also gives federal bureaucrats the power to impose rationing standards on all health care providers that would require them to deny some lifesaving treatments even if the patient is willing and able to pay for it.)

Pro-Life Group Exposes Senate Candidates Pro-Abortion Records
CitizenLink, the policy arm of Focus on the Family, is challenging the pro-abortion views of seven U.S. Senate candidates by sending more than three-quarters of a million pieces of mail to micro-targeted voters in their states.
In Planned Parenthood Doors a gatefold piece in which Planned Parenthood s doors swing open CitizenLink exposes the priorities of Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Claire McCaskill (D-MO) and Jon Tester (D-MT), who threatened to shut down the government unless the nation s largest abortion business continued to get taxpayer funding.
Mom Upset Six-Year-Old Gets McCaskill Robocall on Rape, Akin
A mother in Missouri is upset that pro-abortion Sen. Claire McCaskill is running robocalls in her state that attack pro-life Senate candidate Todd Akin over his position against abortions in cases of rape or incest.

Obama s Abortion-HHS Mandate a Full-Fledged War on Religion
The fact that Tyndale House Publishers, based in Carol Stream, has needed to take a stand in court against ObamaCare s abortion pill mandate should itself shock most Americans. The publisher simply believes that devout Christians in America are exercising religion when they publish the Bible and give the proceeds to religious charity. But even this idea is now disputed.
Hey President Obama: Women Vote on All Issues, Not Just Abortion
I come from a line of strong women. Unlike many of their generation, both my grandmothers earned college degrees. Both studied political science, followed politics nearly all their lives and had lives rich with experience. Each had the challenge of raising teenagers in the 1960s and the joy of watching the Iron Curtain fall. With one deceased and the other suffering the signs of aging, I m glad they aren t following this election closely. Both would be angered over how some politicians and political parties are courting female voters.
Court May Force Mentally Disabled Nevada Woman to Have Abortion
With obvious public outcries against forced abortions in China and forced sterilizations of mentally handicapped individuals in Nazi Germany, one might assume the United States knows better.
Abortion Nurse Accused of Fondling Patients, Exposing Herself
A lawsuit has been filed by a former surgical technician at an abortion clinic in Portland, Oregon.
Pro-Lifer Drives Three Hours to Pray at Abortion Clinic
Prayer is required in the pro-life movement. If we just run out the door to try to save the world, we re only going to make it about 10 minutes. Abortion is overwhelming; but when we have prayer, and not ourselves, as the foundation our faith in Christ really can move mountains.
90 Percent of People Asking Doctor for Assisted Suicide Change Mind
Five years after the state of Oregon legalized doctor-assisted suicide, the Center for Ethics in Health Care at Oregon Health & Science University conducted research on how the law was being utilized.
Canada: Linda Gibbons Receives Pro-Life Award Prior To Arrest
Activist Linda Gibbons was awarded the Mother Teresa Pro-Life Award just days before her arrest for peacefully protesting outside a Toronto abortion facility yesterday.
Pro-Life Activist Occupies Ohio Early Voting Center for Romney
Pro-life activist Richard Justman became more and more disturbed to see only Democrats show up in force after a Columbus, Ohio, Early Voting Center opened for business near his home on October 2.
200 Christian College Students Protest at Planned Parenthood
Christendom College s pro-life group, Shield of Roses, held its biggest protest in 35 years of its existence this past Saturday.
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