Friday, April 5, 2013

Help Us Tell the World of Gosnell's Abortion Horrors Being Revealed Right Now

Help Us Tell the World of Gosnell's Abortion Horrors
Being Revealed Right Now at His
Historic Abortion Murder Trial --
And expose the abortion abuses that happen at abortion clinics around the nation every day!

Dear Friends,

It's being called the Abortion Trial of the Century.

Kermit Gosnell, the "House of Horrors" abortionist, is on trial RIGHT NOW for the murder of seven infants and one abortion patient.

Gosnell's grisly abortion mill was nicknamed the "Charnel House" by the investigators who finally took our complaints seriously. What the police found inside Gosnell's building literally made them VOMIT!

What did the investigators find in that decrepit old building, just a block away from a major Philadelphia University?

In the midst of the unspeakable filth...

... the ancient rusty, blood-stained medical equipment,
...the dirty disposable surgical instruments that had been reused over and over,
...the leaking roof,
...and the stench of death and cat urine,

the police found stacks of dead bodies.

Do you remember those pictures of Jewish corpses from Nazi Germany? Remember how the bodies were stacked like cordwood? Now imagine the same thing - right here in a US abortion mill.

Except the dead bodies were not adults. They were precious little babies who were born alive.

Yes, Kermit Gosnell's new abortion "technique" was to deliver babies alive, and then use surgical scissors to "snip" the spinal cord at the base of the babies' necks. Gosnell even joked about killing the babies. He told his employees they would get a $20 "bonus" for every late-term abortion committed on their shift. He would even JOKE that some of these babies were so big that he could have walked them to the bus stop.

But Gosnell didn't walk these children to the bus stop; instead, he sliced their throats and "snipped" their spinal columns.

And for the next 5-8 weeks Kermit Gosnell will stand trial for MURDER! Seven counts of murder for killing the children he aborted, and one more count of murder for killing his patient Karnamaya Monger, the mother of one of those babies.

You are not going to hear this on Fox News, or any other national media outlet for that matter. In fact, if you HAVE heard this story, chances are you first heard the news from Operation Rescue. We have exposed every sordid detail of this abortion "chop shop" from day one.

But the ONE thing WORSE than this House of Horrors is if the public doesn't find out the truth of what happened at the Charnel House.

We can't let the abortionist get away with this. Imagine if these murders are simply swept under the rug. These innocent babies will have died in vain - and the perpetrators will be allowed to kill again!

I can't imagine Kermit Gosnell being acquitted of these terrible crimes - but it COULD happen. It could happen if we fail to apply massive pressure on the media and the public to tell the horrifying and heart wrenching story of God's little ones.

We have seen murderers "walk" before. Remember OJ Simpson? Casey Anthony?

How can these despicable criminals get away with MURDER? It's actually quite simple. I know this firsthand. I'm very familiar with the media because I've literally done thousands of media interviews over the last two decades.

In trials like these, each person (other than the pre-born babies) gets to tell their side of the story to the public and the side with the most passion usually wins.

I was at the OJ Simpson trial in Los Angeles. I watched as the vast crowd outside the courthouse threatened more riots if OJ wasn't allowed to walk. The threats and intimidation worked - and OJ got away with murder.

Hey, I don't like it but often times that is just the way it is!

And the "other side" is winning right now in Philadelphia. The abortion cartel is quietly injecting doubt into the minds of the judge and jurors. They're claiming that Gosnell is a "victim" of the pro-life movement! (I know, it's almost as bad as the "twinkie defense.")

And if they sow seeds of "doubt," the abortionist will go free. It's as simple as one juror saying, "I'm not 100% sure he is guilty," and wham, the House of Horrors doctor is back to killing babies the next day.

But I'm not going to let that happen. We have come so far in the pro-life movement - and Gosnell's trial could be the final nail in the coffin of Roe vs. Wade. Once convicted, Gosnell will most certainly appeal - maybe even as far as to the US Supreme Court. That's where he will lose and Roe vs. Wade could come crashing down with him!

But that won't happen unless our side, (the winning side, the pro-life side) pours a massive amount of time, resources and energy into exposing the brutal facts of the case.

We must tell the babies' story to the media, and we must be at the trial EVERY day, to report on the daily court activities.

But do you know how many pro-life people are in Philadelphia right now covering this trial?


Nobody except representatives of Operation Rescue. That's right; on our meager budget we were able to put people in the courtroom. If you have seen ANY coverage on the Abortion Trial of the Century, it's because Operation Rescue was able to be in the courtroom and get the word out to the public.

But we can't continue to do this - because with hotel rooms, taxis, food, and media press releases it's costing us about $400 per day to be at the trial.

And honestly, it's about $400 dollars MORE per day than what I have in our budget. So my lead pro-life activist if flying home as I write this. And that will leave a vacuum of information on what is going on in the courtroom. It will leave a huge hole of information, a hole that will likely be filled by pro-abortion media like the Associated Press's Mary Claire Dale, who called Gosnell "An Elegant Man" who "Smiled Softly" in court.


Is she serious? Would she have said the same of other serial killers? (That's what you call someone like Gosnell who murders multiple people - a serial killer.)

Did the Associated Press call Jeffery Dahmer ELEGANT? What about Charles Manson - did he "smile softly" while in court????

Do you see what I'm saying here? If the pro-life movement doesn't care enough about the conviction of this abortion serial killer to combat the liberal media then we will lose!

And then the babies will lose.

I want to make sure that doesn't happen. I want to make sure we win this case that could destroy the footings of Roe v. Wade and expose the truth about abortion abuses that are so prevalent across the nation. So I'm asking you to make a sacrificial donation to Operation Rescue right now.

Here's my guarantee. 100% of the funds given online will go to making sure Gosnell's story - and more importantly the BABIES' story - is told. I want to have someone at the trial every day, but I can't without your help. (I can make this bold promise because online fundraising is virtually free.)

Maybe you could forward this email to a friend, and they could forward it, and it could become VIRAL. Together we could be the virtual "crowd" outside the courthouse, demanding justice to be served.

We need at least $400 per day to keep a pro-life reporter in the courtroom full time. Maybe you could give $400, or maybe $200 for half a day, even $35 or $10 will go a long way to getting the truth out about Kermit Gosnell.


I seriously need your help immediately. Operation Rescue's budget is not large enough to sustain this type of financial strain. We've done all we can do at this time. The trial is expected to last another 5-8 weeks. But we need the support right now to ensure the truth is told.

So I pray you will help - and I hope you will also pray for justice. This could be an amazing opportunity to win this War for the Unborn once and for all.

I'm your servant and a voice for the voiceless,
Troy Newman

P.S. Kermit Gosnell - the House of Horrors abortionist - is on trial RIGHT NOW for the murder of 7 infants and 1 abortion patient. But the abortion industry and the mainstream media are covering up the truth. The media even called Gosnell "elegant." I call him a cold blooded serial killer. Please help us combat the media lies and get the first murder conviction of an abortionist in 40 years! And when we win, the babies will win. God bless.
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About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006.  From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre-born in obedience to biblical mandates. Click here to support Operation Rescue.   Click here to make a secure donation online.
About Pro-Life Nation

Pro-Life Nation is an initiative of Operation Rescue that offers a goal-oriented strategy to end abortion.  For more visit and read our new booklet that details our strategy.
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