Anyone who spends time on Facebook is now well aware of the Ice
Bucket Challenge that has been sweeping the internet as a campaign for
raising awareness and donations to
research for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), or Lou Gehrig’s
disease. Whether we laugh, feel inspired, or roll our eyes at the
montage of ice bucket videos daily growing on our news feeds, we can
certainly agree that increasing our compassion for this severe
degenerative disease and funding to find a cure for it are noble causes.
However, many Catholics have found themselves in the uncomfortable
position of having to dump cold water on this well-intentioned cause in a
completely different way. This is because certain ALS foundations,
including ALSA, the primary beneficiary of the Ice Bucket Challenge,
fund or advocate research using embryonic stem cells. Such research
presents a serious ethical dilemma to all people of good will and is explicitly declared morally illicit by the Catholic Church. Read more…