by Matthew Eppinette, CBC Executive Director
One of the strongest opponents of surrogacy is Jennifer Lahl, president of the Center for Bioethics and Culture in California . . . She sees the practice as rife with risk: Informed consent, she said, is not really possible in a relatively new field. So little is known about the risks of the hormonal stimulation undergone by egg donors and surrogates, she added. In addition, the emerging field of epigenetics is yielding new discoveries about how conditions in the womb affect a child’s later development.
“I was crying. I said he has to come in; he’s the father; he should be here. He came in, he cut the cord. He took the baby. And that’s the last I ever heard from them.”
HEATHER RICE, a surrogate who carried a child with a defect, describing giving birth over the biological parents’ objections. From breeders.cbc-network.org
We are grateful that our work is getting such a prominent hearing. This would not be possible without our faithful supporters. Thank you.
by Christopher White, CBC Director of Research and Education
“Making Babies Outside of the Womb Has Never Been So Easy” exclaims a new headline in The Atlantic. The article reports that one percent of children now born in the U.S. are conceived via reproductive technology in some form or fashion (IVF, sperm or egg donation, surrogacy, or a combination thereof). As the author notes . . .[ continue reading . . .]
by Jennifer Lahl, CBC President
by Christopher White, CBC Director of Research and Education
A new book tells the story of an infertile couple that has children through Indian surrogacy services—but it glosses over the costs to egg donors, surrogate mothers, and children.
Since gestational surrogacy was legalized in 2002, it has become one of the fastest growing industries in India’s rapidly developing economy. A recent World Bank report projected . . . [continue reading . . .]
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Center for Bioethics and Culture
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Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-4324