Women’s Rights in China (WRIC) and Women's
Without Frontiers (WRWF)
cordially invite you to a
Forum on the Rights of
Chinese Women & Children
Release of WRIC newly published book
"Fetuses Executed by State Policy" ** by author Yiwa
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel
135-20 39th Ave 2nd Floor
Flushing, New York 11355
While the United States celebrates Women's
History Month in March, Women’s Rights in China (WRIC) and Women's Rights
Without Frontiers (WRWF) are co-hosting an event in New York. They have invited
human rights activists from China and the U.S. as well as scholars to examine
the current situation of women’s rights in China. They will also trace the
development of China’s Women’s Liberation Movement 20 years after the Beijing
World Conference on Women. It has been 36 years since the One-child Policy was
put into force in 1979, and our speakers will give a review on how forced
abortions have affected the physical and psychological health of women and
children in China. They will also analyze how the One-child Policy is connected
to child trafficking and international adoption. This year China has announced
the launch of a Two-child Policy. Is this the biggest change to the birth
planning state policy of China in the recent decades, or a minor
modification? Scholars will share their research and expertise on whether
allowing second births brings relief or anxiety to working-class families in
This forum will be held in both Chinese and
English. Relevant videos will be played and photos of performance art by Bejing
artist Peng Wang will be exhibited. Interaction between speakers and the audience
will also be encouraged through the Q&A session. Dr. Gao Yaojie, first
Chinese medical expert in China to fight AIDS, will donate her 100 books,
including 20 books in English, all personally signed by her. All who are
concerned about the problems in China are welcome to come and participate in
information exchange.
* Jiaoming Pang, author of
"The Orphans of Shao" will appear on video
* Cheng Yao, Staff Director,
Women's Rights in China, Mainland Project.
* Jing Zhang, Founder and Executive
Director of Women's Rights in China
* Reggie Littlejohn, President of
Women's Rights Without Frontiers
* Yiwa (依娃,"尋找大饑荒倖存者"作者) author of books on
China's 1958-1962 Great Famine
* Ann Noonan, Executive Director
* Zhang Yujing, WRIC Researcher
Women's Rights in China's new book
"Fetuses Executed by State Policy" will be available on Amazon
FOR INFORMATION: www.crchina.org email:
Reggie Littlejohn, President
Women's Rights Without Frontiers
Stop Forced Abortion – China’s War on Women! Video (4 mins)
Women's Rights Without Frontiers
Stop Forced Abortion – China’s War on Women! Video (4 mins)