Dear Deacon John,
Families are a sign of God’s love ... and a promise for our future.
The family is under much attack. Yet it is the most powerful witness in our culture ... and children praying at a 40 Days for Life vigil are a clear display of that powerful witness.
Of course, parents must decide if attending the vigil is appropriate for their children. But one thing is for sure. People notice kids of all ages on the sidewalk, and that can have a profound impact – both outside and inside the abortion facility.
A scene from Matthew’s gospel speaks volumes. People had brought children to see Jesus, and the disciples tried to turn them away. But Christ said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
Today, on the sidewalks outside the abortion centers, it’s the employees inside the buildings who don’t want the kids around.
Here are some examples:
Pensacola, Florida
Several mothers with their young children attend the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil each week. “The manager of the abortion facility kept looking out the door to see if the women and their children had left,” said Ernie in Pensacola, “but the number only grew.”
Several teenagers were there as well. While all the kids were there, volunteers were able to hand resource flyers to every one of the women who entered the abortion center.
“Mothers and their babies are a sign of hope – a sign of hope on display in front of the American Family Planning abortion facility,” Ernie said. “May their presence there be the cause of conversion of all, to the truth of the sacredness of life and the maternal bond.”
St. Louis, Missouri
An eighth grade class joined the 40 Days for Life vigil outside Planned Parenthood in St. Louis.
They’d only been there about ten minutes when a woman drove by and greeted them with a rude gesture.
The class members all grouped together to smile and wave to the woman.
You’d hope that such a display of kindness would have melted her heart … but that didn’t happen. The woman just got angrier – and stayed angry until the traffic light changed to green and she went on about her day.
“Not only did these young hearts embrace the controversy stirred up by their presence with willing hearts,” said Brian, the local leader in St. Louis, “they did so joyfully, full of trust in God's abundant promise that they are blessed in their stand for righteousness and the confrontation they faced because of it.” Houston, Texas
People of all ages take part in the 40 Days for Life vigil outside Planned Parenthood’s abortion mega-center in Houston. But the facility’s employees especially notice the young ones.
“We have been somewhat amused by reports that workers complained from inside Planned Parenthood regarding hearing the babies crying when the group of mothers and children were praying outside the building,” said one of the Houston team members.
But perception is reality. Planned Parenthood may notice the babies … but one potential participant said she only sees older people out there praying!
“That is not just an old man,” the volunteer responded. “That is somebody’s husband, somebody’s father, somebody’s grandfather. Each person’s prayer is unique and reaches out to these girls in a different way. You should come out and join them in prayer!”
See you on the sidewalk!
Here’s today’s devotional from Carmen Pate of Alliance Ministries.
Day 29 intention
Praise God for His compassion in pardoning our sins and forgiving our transgressions. Give praise that He delights in showing mercy.
Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgressions of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us; and will subdue our iniquities.
— Micah 7:18-19
Reflection from Carmen Pate
Micah had been sent to declare God’s judgment and call the people of Judah to repentance. The people had become spiritually and ethically corrupt.
Prosperity had hardened the rich, the poor were oppressed and the heirs to David's throne were practicing abominations and idolatry.
Is it not easy to see the parallels of God's people in Micah’s day and God's people today in America?
Through Micah, God corrected His people by demanding justice, not burnt offerings and sacrifice. He told them to love mercy, and to walk humbly with their God.
In speaking of Old Testament stories of God’s people turning from God to sin and idolatry, Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10: 11, "Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come."
Many biblical scholars believe God has removed His hedge of protection around our nation in response to our sins of immorality and abortion. Let us cry out in repentance for His mercy once again. And may we honor His faithfulness by doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God.
Heavenly Father, eternal, changeless, and faithful Lord, we recognize that we are in need of forgiveness as a nation, for turning our hearts away from you. Hear our prayer of repentance Lord and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We praise you for your tender mercies and your compassion that never fails.
Lord, it is only by Your grace that we can live lives that are just, and merciful. May Your Holy Spirit enable us to walk humbly in Your presence and may You be pleased to restore America so that a generation not yet born may praise you. In the name of Christ Jesus, who has done great things for us, Amen.
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For life,
40 Days for Life