Dear Deacon John,
It may be stating the obvious ... but Ireland is a great place to be on St. Patrick’s Day!
And since everyone is Irish today ... if you can’t be there in person, we have a special report for you.
St. Patrick’s life as a Christian missionary speaks to the heart of our modern culture. He endured rejection and persecution when he brought Christ to a pagan island that did not welcome him.
The Irish are known for their joy and their ability to not take themselves too seriously. Joy is exactly what’s needed as we witness to the gift of life during a 40 Days for Life campaign; there is certainly no joy inside an abortion facility.
Through prayer and fasting, we are seeing God’s blessings in 273 locations around the world this St. Patrick’s Day … including one in Ireland!
Robert Colquhoun, our international campaign director for 40 Days for Life (whose wife is Irish, by the way), just visited Dublin. Here’s his report.
Dublin, Ireland
Abortion remains illegal in most circumstances in Ireland, but the large UK abortion business Marie Stopes maintains a referral office in Dublin, where the 40 Days for Life vigil is held.
Carolyn, the local leader, is also the director of Gianna Care crisis pregnancy centre. This campaign has seen three women who changed their minds and have received help there.
Marie Stopes is open just 3 or 4 days a week. They do scans, but don’t show the pictures to the mothers.
A recent election here has remained inconclusive, but there is likely to be a referendum on keeping the pro-life part of the constitution. The pro-life movement here is concerned, following the abortion law change in 2013. I was on the radio a couple of times and met Youth Defence, who have campaigned vigorously for decades. Everyone is extremely friendly and pleasant here and I was touched with the warmth of the welcome.
The cultural difference between Ireland and the UK, which in practice has abortion on demand, is astonishing. Ireland has largely held out against abortion, and I hope that may long continue.
Green Bay, Wisconsin
As you might expect, a lot of green is worn in Green Bay. But for the 40 Days for Life team there, it was a man wearing tan who got a bit of unexpected attention.
Green Bay runs a 24-hour vigil – and it’s very quiet on the sidewalks around the abortion facility in the wee hours of the day. (They refer to the overnight shift as “sleep no more.”)
About 3:15 one morning, a policeman pulled up to the two guys who were praying and asked if they’d seen a man in a tan coat. The officer had gotten a call from the dispatcher – a driver was concerned about the homeless manhe’d seen wandering around in the cold and the dark. In addition to the tan coat, the man had a sign that said “Jesus saves.”
One of the men just started laughing. He was wearing a baseball cap … a ski mask … and yes, a tan coat. “I immediately turned my back to the officer to show him my ‘Jesus saves’ sign,” he said.
Of course, that just led to more laughter all around. “I must have looked homeless wearing the heavy clothing in the –13 degree weather!” said the guy with the sign. “The motorist didn't realize that we had started our 40 Days for Life walk. It’s nice to know that even between 2 and 3 am, people do notice us walking!”
Here’s today’s devotional from Carmen Pate of Alliance Ministries.
Day 37 intention
Pray that we will each submit ourselves this day as a living sacrifice to God, giving all that we have in us for those being sacrificed on the altar of convenience.
I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
— Romans 12:1
Reflection from Carmen Pate
Since all things are for His glory, we are to offer ourselves for that purpose. This of course is in sharp contrast to those who are being swayed by the enemy to sacrifice their babies on the altar of convenience, rather than choosing to surrender their all, including their unborn child, to the Lord for His purposes.
A career, education goals, or even a boyfriend can unknowingly become an idol for some young women. In their minds, abortion is a convenient way to “rid themselves” of an obstacle in the way of their “worship.”
In light of the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf, and the fruit of God’s mercies on our lives, we owe God our highest form of praise and worship. Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices is therefore reasonable service.
We were made to worship God and God alone. The enemy who seeks worship for himself distorts God's truth regarding worship, sacrifice, idols and children.
As you have given of yourself to rescue those who are perishing — the young woman and her child — you are worshiping God in the truest sense of the word.
May your example lead an abortion minded client to turn from her idols to worship the one true God, sparing her child from the altar of convenience, and sparing herself from a lifetime of regret.
God Almighty, You alone are worthy of our praise and worship. Having accepted Your Son's sacrifice on my behalf, I in turn present my body to you as a living sacrifice. Thank you for deeming me holy and acceptable because of Christ's shed blood for me.
I pray that you would use me as your vessel to rescue others who are perishing. Through Christ who is Our Glory, Amen.
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For life,
40 Days for Life