In debates over physician-assisted suicide, many say that they’d hate to become dependent on others.
John Foppe sees it differently. Born without arms, he values something beyond independence, namely
inter-dependence. “Together we are more,” he says.
In her latest column for use in your parishes, diocesan newspapers & newsletters, Mary McClusky reflects on the healing power of reconciliation for those who have been involved in abortion.
Note: When using our columns, please use entire unedited text & give credit to the USCCB, the author, and photographer (when using headshot).
Praying for Life, All Year Long
Our January 2016 9 Days for Life campaign was a huge success with tens of thousands participating, but we need to keep praying & working
year-round for the protection of every human life. 
Sign up to receive short, monthly prayers for life.
(You’ll also automatically
get the novena next year.)
“People often say, ‘I could never handle a child with a disability’.
{But} you are not called to ‘handle’ a disability. You are called to love a particular person, and caring for him or her grows out of that love.”
Mother of a Boy
Living with Down Syndrome
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April Intercessions for Life
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