It’s no secret that the mainstream media is biased against the pro-life movement.
They shamelessly parrot the lies and deceptions of the abortion industry to push the anti-life agenda. And when tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters in Christ march for life in cities around the world each year, the media barely pays attention.
So we went out on our own to shed light on the struggles, and the heroes, of the international pro-life movement.
In 2011, Human Life International began a film project to tell the stories of our pro-life missionaries working to build a Culture of Life. These films have proven to be valuable resources to educate and inspire pro-lifers worldwide!
HLI now has three “True Story” documentary films highlighting the pro-life efforts on the ground in Asia, Europe and Latin America. (We are hoping to produce a fourth film on Africa if we can raise the funds. Please pray for the success of this effort.)
The Philippines: Preserving a Culture of Life” details the 12-year battle of pro-lifers in this Catholic nation against backers of the destructive Reproductive Health (RH) Bill. The Philippines is one of the few nations where abortion isn’t legal, but the RH Bill was a key piece of legislation designed to chip away at the legal protections for life.
HLI’s second film, “
Central and Eastern Europe: A Return to Life,” focuses on the nations of Poland and Hungary, whose people suffered terribly under the most destructive ideologies in history—Nazism and Communism. While struggling to reclaim their Christian identity and roll back legalized abortion, the people here are fighting against new challenges to their culture from the European Union and the secular consumerism of the West.
The latest True Story documentary, “
Central America and Mexico: Fighting for Life, Faith and Family,” takes a look at the assault on life and family in Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama. Through media propaganda, immoral conditions placed on “development aid” and the influence of aggressive pressure groups, the pro-abortion movement is waging a culture war against the Catholic Church and the families of Central America and Mexico—but the people in the pews are pushing back!
All three documentaries premiered on the EWTN Global Catholic Network, and are now available on DVD. You can also watch the first two films streaming online when you visit the website.
Each of these films provides a unique look at the threats to Life and Family around the world that HLI’s pro-life missionaries are fighting against every day. And you get to meet the people in Asia, Europe and Latin America who you are supporting as a friend of HLI.
Please pray for these brave men and women, and for HLI’s life-saving mission. God bless.
Sincerely yours in Christ,

Father Shenan J. Boquet
President, Human Life International