Dear Deacon John,
Just yesterday, we focused on two 40 Days for Life vigil locations where abortion facilities have closed their doors and gone out of business – in Jacksonville, North Carolina and Augusta, Georgia. In other cities, we have seen 40 Days for Life campaigns where the abortion staff packed everything up and moved to a new location. Without fail … the peaceful prayer vigil followed them to the new spot. That type of persistence has paid off ... as seen in this exciting development in Georgia.
Marietta, Georgia
From Marietta comes the very encouraging news that the abortion center where the 40 Days for Life vigil takes place has stopped doing abortions … and announced closure plans.
The daily prayers in front of this facility are being answered!
This abortion center was in another location previously. It closed there … then reopened in a different site. And faithful volunteers brought their prayer vigil to this new location.
Colleen, the 40 Days for Life coordinator, said the ending of abortions is a tribute “to all the hard work that pro-life folks have done … arriving daily at 5 am and not relenting.”
According to media reports, the owners never disclosed that the new location would be used for abortions. There were also accusations that they performed medical procedures they were not licensed to do.
Until very recently, the center had done between 6 and 10 abortions on a typical day – but not anymore.
“We are celebrating that no babies are dying there now!” Colleen said.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The sidewalk in front of an abortion center always sees a jumble of emotions … and that’s evident in a pair of stories from Pittsburgh.
Vigil participants couldn’t help but notice the young man who stood in a doorway near the abortion center … in tears.
He was trying to remain composed and be strong … but it was just too difficult. He said his girlfriend was planning to abort his child, and he couldn’t stop her.
“He was tormented with guilt,” said one of the volunteers, “thinking it was his fault because he recently lost his job. They have no food and will not be able to pay their bills.”
The prayer team tried to console him and offered to take him to an agency that could help him find work. One person even promised to assist with groceries and babysitting.
Volunteers asked him to keep in touch, but they haven’t heard back. They’re asking for continued prayer for this young man and his girlfriend.
This somber scene later brightened considerably when a couple left Planned Parenthood to show volunteers an ultrasound image.
The young woman seemed a bit surprised when the technician asked if she wanted to see the screen … but understood when she saw the picture.
It was twins!
Seeing that ultrasound image was all it took – they changed their minds about abortion!
Here’s today’s devotional from Carmen Pate of Alliance Ministries.
Day 24 intention
Pray that God will continue to bless the efforts that have gone into the 40 Days for Life campaign, as we trust Him for the results.
Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand. O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name.
— Nehemiah 1:10-11
Reflection from Carmen Pate
Nehemiah provides an awesome blueprint for volunteers in God’s service, particularly those responding to the devastation abortion has caused our nation.
Nehemiah grieved for God's reputation as he witnessed the condition of the city walls of Jerusalem. The walls were broken down which was seen by neighboring people as a sign of weakness on the part of Jerusalem's God. No wall meant no security for the city and its people.
We learn from his story that he covered every detail in prayer; inspired others to join the cause; organized others to help do the work; confronted opposition directly and turned to God when discouraged; and finally celebrated what was accomplished and gave God all the glory!
Like Nehemiah, we must acknowledge God’s sovereignty as we serve Him before a mocking world. We too need to be reminded that we are “fighting” for our families. We too must have an attitude of confession and repentance before a Holy God. We must pray for strength, refute slander, and not be diverted from our work.
Like Nehemiah, we will draw attention from the enemy when we are seeking to protect the well-being of God’s people. We too must stand firm and seek God's help to persevere until the task is done. We too will be victorious.
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in heaven and in the earth is Yours. We pray for your continued guidance and protection throughout the remainder of this 40 day campaign.
May we be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in Your work, knowing that our labor will not be in vain. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
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For life,
40 Days for Life