Dear Deacon John,
Just last year, the first 40 Days for Life vigil came to Colombia ...
... and now that South American nation has 12 campaigns!
We’re hoping and praying for more exciting growth in other countries, too!
A first-time campaign is now taking place in Munich, for instance ... where women must receive a certificate to get an abortion.
Germany is one of three countries we’ll look at today ... where pro-life efforts are expanding through peaceful prayer.
Munich, Germany
Robert Colquhoun, our international campaign director, just took part in the midpoint rally for this 40 Days for Life campaign.
“I was really impressed with the campaign that they have there,” he said. “Boris, the local leader, has filled his vigil well.”
The vigil is outside a referral office where women are issued certificates.
“Women must get a certificate in order to have an abortion,” he said, “and I believe counseling centres must provide this certificate. It makes pro-life counseling very difficult.”
Nonetheless, it seems the referral office would prefer not to have a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil outside.
“They had placed up paper in the window to block out the view of the vigil,” Robert observed, “and had also written ‘a woman’s right to choose’ in the first floor windows.”
Bogota, Colombia
“Sometimes, the most striking stories come to us when we least expect it,” said one of the team members in Bogota. “At 5:45 am, our volunteers were met with the opportunity to save a baby’s life.”
A couple had gotten up early, thinking the abortion center was open 24 hours a day. "They didn’t know that the only ones here 24 hours a day would be us – 40 Days for Life!” explained Claudia, one of the prayer leaders.
It wasn’t an easy job. The father asked for help, but the mother said she had no choice – they are both unemployed. She has five other children, all of whom live in homes or in the care of a government program.
However, volunteers promised to do everything possible to give her comprehensive help, not only to save the life of her child, but also to provide her with the opportunity to remake her life with dignity.
Later that day, she visited a doctor who said the baby was perfect. “To see on the ultrasound the fully formed little body of her son at almost 16 weeks, she began to feel hopeful,” the volunteer said. The father also learned about a new job opportunity, and the pastor of a nearby church also offered to help.
In a few hours they went from living in a hopeless situation … to looking into the future with hope and gratitude.
Iztapalapa, Mexico
Participation has been steady at this 40 Days for Life vigil in the Mexico City area – even when heavy rains led to the construction of an impromptu plastic prayer tent.
Lupita, the local coordinator, said the volunteers consider it their job to bring the message of life to those who are unaware of the abortion facility where they’re praying.
They hope their prayers and witness will lead mothers to choose life for their babies.
It can be very emotional. They’ve seen boyfriends trying to convince young women to have abortions. One girl was crying outside as she passed the vigil … and continued into the abortion center. No one saw her again, so they’re not sure what decision she finally made.
Still, they keep praying – rain or shine.
Here’s today's devotional from Vera Faith Lord, director of the Alpha/Omega Life Ministry.
Day 26 intention
That those who have forgotten their purpose may discover it in God and therefore have the courage to choose life.
These all wait for you, that you may give them their food in due season, what you give them they gather in; you open your hand they are filled with good. You hide your face, they are troubled; you take away their breath, they die and return to their dust. You send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth.
— Psalm 104:27-30
Reflection from Vera Faith Lord
“I am a feather on the breath of God.”
As the quote above portrays, we are upheld by the power and purpose of God. Our very existence on earth, from our body’s first breath to its last, when we leave it to return home, is our Father's choice and happens only by His willing to do so.
He who created the universe also created that which is “me.” I do not have a soul; I am a soul, as well as a body. My entire purpose in this life is to find my way back to my Creator.
Beloved Father, remind us today that there is no truth but you. Do not let us fall prey to the evil one’s lie that we may choose death. Remind us right now that you, who created all life, are in control of all life, and let us know right now that you who created all life, are in control of all life, and let us choose life always.
Father, please let us hear your voice more today than yesterday. Keep lighting the pathway home, for us and for all who participate in this 40 Days for Life campaign. Father, we’re on our way. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
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For life,
40 Days for Life