40 Days for Life Virginia Campaign Begins September 24th, 2008 WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- "On Sept 24, 2008 area pro-life people across the DC Metro area will join together with people of faith and conscience from many other communities across America to kick off the area's own version of the 40 Days for Life campaign," said Ruby Nicdao, spokesperson for the Falls Church and Fairfax, VA 40 Days for Life campaign.
40 Days for Life is an intensive pro-life initiative that focuses on 40 days of prayer and fasting, 40 days of peaceful vigil at abortion facilities, and 40 days of grassroots educational outreach. The 40-day time frame is drawn from examples throughout Biblical history where God brought about world-changing transformation in 40-day periods.
"People of faith must speak out for the babies in the womb who cannot speak for themselves. It is time for America to end the horror of abortion which claims the lives of over one million Americas every year, a number equal to cancer deaths, automobile accidents and heart attacks, combined."
Kick-off Rally - A kick-off rally for all Washington D.C. Area 40 Days for Life vigils will take place on the 23rd in Lafayette Park at 7:30 PM in Washington D.C.
"40 Days for Life has already generated proven lifesaving results in cities across America," said David Bereit, national campaign director for 40 Days for Life. "During the fall of 2007 and spring of 2008, dozens of communities joined together for nationally coordinated 40 Days for Life campaigns. Numerous cities reported a significant drop in abortions. Some abortion facilities either closed altogether or scaled back their operations during the campaign. New volunteers got active in local pro-life efforts. Churches of different denominations worked together to work for an end to abortion in their cities.
"We are calling on NoVA, DC and Maryland people to get involved and sign up for a shift in the 40 Days for Life Campaign," said Ruby. "It is exciting for our city to be a part of something that can have such lifesaving impact, and we can't wait to begin." We also call on conservative/pro-life media and leaders to do more than talk about how bad abortion is.
To learn more about 40 Days for Life, or to find out about the campaign site nearest you visit: www.40daysforlife.com/fallschurch. |