When Voting for the President this November – Vote Your Conscience…
A Personal Message from Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center
Dear Members & Friends of the Thomas More Law Center,
A short new inspirational video has begun circulating on the internet, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share it with you today. In just 3 minutes, the video speaks strongly to Americans about the issues that are at stake in this Presidential election… they are the very issues for which the Thomas More Law Center was founded to promote and protect.
Although the video speaks specifically to Catholics, it will provide inspiration to people of all faiths who value the sanctity of human life and traditional family values.
Please take a moment today to experience the message this dramatic video contains… and please forward it to family and friends to remind them of what our country is facing this November 4th.
Click here to watch the video now.
Also on this day, please take a moment to remember the tragedy of September 11, 2001. We pray for the families and Americans who still mourn as a result of that day.
May God bless you… and may God bless America.
President & Chief Counsel