Barack Obama Stem Cell Research Ad Ignores Best Diabetes Hope: Adult Cells
Washington, DC ( -- Barack Obama is running a misleading radio ad on the issue of stem cell research -- falsely accusing presidential candidate John McCain of voting against it. The ad, which features a mother of a child with juvenile diabetes, also ignores how adult stem cell research provides the most hope for patients. The Obama ad features a woman named Jody Montgomery. In the commercial, she says "my daughter Maddy was diagnosed with Type I Juvenile Diabetes at age 3." "Six times a day, I take her blood. Six times a day, I pray for a cure. Researchers are working hard to do just that. Our best hope is stem cell research, and that’s why we support Barack Obama," she continues. Actually, the best hope for children who have Type I Juvenile Diabetes is adult stem cell research -- which John McCain strongly supports and has repeatedly voted for as a member of the Senate. Last year, Dr. Richard Burt of Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Obama's hometown, worked with scientists from Brazil. Their research showed adult stem cell treatments can help patients with diabetes to be insulin free. The scientists published their findings in the April 2007 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association and found that 14 of 15 patients became insulin free after the adult stem cell treatments. Full story at
Barack Obama's "Freedom of Choice Act" Would Mean 125K More Abortions
by Matt Bowman
With so much attention on the economy, one area of federal legislation that can be overlooked is abortion. An old and dangerous bill that will increase abortions by an enormous amount is being resurrected by abortion advocates: the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). H.R. 1964 and S.1173. FOCA is usually reported as "codifying Roe v. Wade," but it is much more. Since the Webster and Casey decisions in 1989 and 1992, the Supreme Court has allowed states to limit abortion somewhat by such things as requiring parental involvement and informed consent, prohibiting government funding of most abortion, and more recently outlawing most partial birth abortions. But FOCA tolerates none of this. Advocates and opponents of FOCA all agree that the bill would nullify every legal limit on abortion, state, federal or otherwise. Abortion advocates who want FOCA concur: NOW, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and FOCA sponsor Senator Barbara Boxer all contend that FOCA will strike down all state pro-life laws. The shockwaves that FOCA would cause are immense and wide-ranging, but recent research shows one effect in particular. Certain state laws that are doomed under FOCA actually prevent a statistically significant number of abortions. These laws include parental involvement requirements, informed consent laws, and restrictions on government funding of abortions. Specifically, if FOCA is passed it will increase abortions by 125,000 more per year in the United States. Since 2004, Dr. Michael New has published studies with the Heritage Foundation showing that a large reduction in abortions can be attributed to these three kinds of laws. Full story at
Senate Approves Bill to Reduce Abortions on Babies With Down Syndrome
Washington, DC ( -- On Tuesday, the Senate passed a bill via unanimous consent that is designed to help reduce the number of abortions of babies with Down syndrome and other conditions. Pro-life advocates have been worried about the high percentage of abortions as doctors leave parents with few options when confronted with a disabled unborn child. The legislation would require giving families who receive a diagnosis of Down syndrome or any other condition, pre-natally or up until a year after birth, pertinent helpful information. The information would include facts about the condition and connections to support services and networks that could offer assistance in raising a disabled child. Sen Sam Brownback, a pro-life Kansas Republican and co-sponsor of the bill, told he's glad the Senate approved it. "This bill will greatly benefit expecting parents who receive the sometimes overwhelming news that their unborn child may be born with a disability," he said. "This legislation will provide parents with current and reliable information about the many options available for caring for children with disabilities." Full story at
Pro-Life Advocates Have Last Chance to Help Pro-Life Doctors Avoid Abortions
Washington, DC ( -- The last chance for pro-life advocates to weigh in on the Bush administration proposal to strengthen existing protections for pro-life doctors is coming soon. The health department has proposed a way to firm up protections for doctors, hospitals and medical staff who don't want to be involved in abortions. Existing laws make it unlawful to discriminate against centers or medical personnel for refusing to be involved in abortions, but the discrimination continues. Abortion advocates have been strongly opposed to the conscience protections, initially saying that they would stand between women and access to birth control and contraception. The proposal has been modified to alleviate those issues but pro-abortions groups are still working overtime to flood HHS with comments against the proposal. Groups like Americans United for Life aren't standing by and letting the other side dominate the discussion. AUL has filed comments with the Department of Health and Humans Services affirming the need for a proposed regulation that will protect the freedom of conscience of healthcare providers nationwide. Dr. Charmaine Yoest, told that "Protecting the rights of healthcare providers is critical to the continuing viability and safety of our healthcare system." Full story at

British Cabinet Member Leaves Over Govt OK of Pro-Cloning, Pro-Abortion
London, England ( -- A member of the British Cabinet will step down from her role in the administration because of the government's pushing of a bill that promotes abortion and human cloning. The debate on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill is expected to resume soon and MP Ruth Kelly is unhappy. Kelly is a Catholic who is pro-life and has been chagrined for some time about the government promoting these unethical practices. She will step down as the transport secretary because she can't reconcile her pro-life views with the government's position in favor of the HFE bill. Kelly previously received permission to deviate from the party position and have a conscience vote but she is expected to vote in favor of the bill when it comes up for the next vote. Paul Tully of the British pro-life group Society for the Protection of Unborn Children responded to the news. He encourage MPs of all faiths to back down from the HFE bill. "Defending vulnerable and innocent human lives is not the exclusive preserve of Catholics, but a duty for everyone," he said. Full story at