John McCain: Let's Build a Culture of Life on Abortion, Help Pregnant Women
Washington, DC ( -- In a Wednesday interview with Good Morning America, the ABC News lifestyle program, Sen. John McCain again clarified his pro-life views on abortion. He said he wants to build a culture of life and work to help pregnant women who are confronted with unexpected pregnancies. Host Diane Sawyer asked John and Cindy McCain about abortion and the Arizona senator spelled out his beliefs. "Well, let me just say this is all about courage and compassion. It's about changing the culture of America," he said. "I am pro-life and I support that position, and I know that Cindy does too." McCain went further than he has before in talking about how the pro-life community helps women who are pregnant. "We need to tell young American women who are faced with this terrible decision that we will help them have the courage to bring a baby into this world and we'll have the compassion and help them in every way that they can address it," he said. McCain indicated that the compassion for pregnant women in difficult circumstances won't end if Roe v. Wade -- the Supreme Court case that allowed virtually unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy -- is overturned. Full story at
Democratic Strategists Urge Donations to Planned Parenthood to Attack McCain

Pro-Life Groups Launch Campaign to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
Washington, DC ( -- A collection of pro-life groups has launched a national campaign to de-fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business responsible for more than 25 percent of all abortions in the U.S. On Thursday, leaders from 20 pro-life groups will come together to draft a joint resolution. That plan will outline the details of how they hope to cut off federal and state government funding to the abortion business. The pro-life advocates will gather at the "Planned Parenthood: BAD for America" summit, organized by the Pro-Life Action League, to share techniques that have proved successful in impeding Planned Parenthood's objectives across the country. This is the first time so many pro-life groups from across the country have gathered in a single location to address fighting Planned Parenthood, whose political action committee has endorsed Barack Obama for president. "Each pro-life group emphasizes different strategies for effectively reducing abortion, but we all share a common goal - to stop abortion forever," Eric Scheidler, of the host group, told Full story at
Poll Shows Americans Don't Know Law on Whether Doctors Must Do Abortions
Washington, DC ( -- A new poll reveals most Americans don't know what federal law says about whether doctors are required to do abortions or refer women who want them to someone who will. The poll comes as a national battle is ensuing over the Bush administration's desire to enforce the law to protect physicians' rights. The Bush administration has proposed new regulations that would enforce laws preventing medical centers from forcing doctors to do abortions or refer for them. Abortion advocates are leading a campaign against the proposal that would allow the current problems of medical centers flouting the law to continue. To find out what the public knows about current law, the Christian Medical Association, a pro-life doctors group, had the Polling Company commission a survey. The poll found just 38 percent of Americans knew that federal law says the doctor does not have to do the abortion or refer for it. Some 4 percent of Americans thought federal law forced doctors to do abortions and another 38 percent believed federal statues don't compel physicians to do the abortion but to refer to another doctor who will. Another 16 percent admitted they didn't know the answer and 4 percent didn't answer the question entirely. Full story at