Poll: Obama's Christian Outreach Failing, Catholics, Evangelicals Back McCain
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A new poll shows Barack Obama's attempt to reach out to Christian voters, despite his radical pro-abortion position, is failing. The survey, which shows Catholic and evangelical voters backing McCain, explains why Obama launched a new effort to reach out to evangelicals. John Green of the University of Akron conducted the study just as he did surveys of Christian voters in the 2004 elections. Presented today at the Religion Newswriters Association conference, the survey finds evangelicals favor McCain over Obama 57.2 percent to 19.9 percent. That's similar to the 60.4% to 19.6% edge President Bush had over John Kerry at the same point four years ago. Green said 20 percent of evangelicals say social issues like abortion are most important and that most of those voters are in McCain's corner. "Although social issues are less important, they continue to resonate in the evangelical community," Green said, according to a Christianity Today report. "The Obama campaign has not yet been able to overcome that." The numbers would likely be higher for McCain, but the survey was conducted prior to him selecting pro-life Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. Palin has energized pro-life voters and the evangelical and Catholic communities behind his campaign. Full story at LifeNews.com. Barack Obama Slams John McCain on Abortion in Rally, Calls Him "Panicked"
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Barack Obama continued to go on the offensive on Friday on abortion after his campaign released a new ad calling John McCain and an abortion survivor "sleazy, despicable liars." Obama continued the attack bashing McCain on abortion in a Florida rally and calling him "panicked." The Illinois senator appeared in front of 8,000 people at a South Florida rally and complained that McCain has called Roe v. Wade a bad decision. According to a transcript of the remarks LifeNews.com received, Obama likened his position favoring unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy to his mantra for change. "Change means a president who will stand up for choice, who understands that five men on the Supreme Court don't know better than women and their families and their doctors about what's best for their health," Obama said. "That's why I fought so hard in Illinois and Washington to stop laws that overturn Roe v Wade." I think it's pretty clear that Sen. McCain is a little panicked right now," Obama told the crowd. "At this point he seems to be willing to say anything or do anything or change any position or violate any principle to try and win this election." Full story at LifeNews.com. Howard Dean Repeats False Claim Abortions Go Up Under Republicans, Bush
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean has made the claim before and been rebuked over peddling false statistics. But, he said again in a Friday interview that abortions increase under Republican presidents, even though data clearly shows abortions have gone down. "Let's look at abortion for a second. The Republicans always talk about being against abortion, but the number of abortions go up when you have Republican presidents," Dean claimed. "John McCain has done nothing to stop abortions." Dean came under fire in June 2005 for peddling the false information even though figures from a Planned Parenthood research group showing the opposite is true. In January, the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a Planned Parenthood affiliate, reported that the number of abortions nationwide have fallen to their lowest point in 30 years and have declined 25 percent since 1990 -- with half of that time period coming under pro-life Republican presidents. Meanwhile, the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania says that claims that abortions have not decreased under President Bush are "not true" and even rebuked Dean for misleading the public. "Politicians from Hillary Clinton and John Kerry to Howard Dean have recently contended that abortions have increased since George W. Bush took office in 2001," the researchers have written. Full story at LifeNews.com. Hillary Clinton Joins Planned Parenthood to Force Doctors to Do Abortions
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Hillary Clinton lost out on the Democratic nomination and that has given her more time to advocate abortion. She's doing just that with a new editorial appearing in the New York Times co-written with Cecile Richards, the head of the nation's largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood. The editorial blasts the Bush administration for a new proposal meant to enforce three existing civil rights laws that protect, doctors, hospitals and medical personnel who don't want to do abortions. Congress previously approved the laws but better enforcement is needed because medical staff and medical centers are still coming under pressure to do abortions. Clinton and Planned Parenthood disagree with the laws and the Bush administration's efforts to enforcement and Clinton wrote a letter to supporters of the pro-abortion group urging them to join her in condemning them. "The Bush administration is at it again — threatening reproductive freedom and women's health. Their latest new proposal from the Dept of Health and Human Services could jeopardize health care for millions of women," Clinton claims. Full story at LifeNews.com.