Catholic Bishops Warn Congress on Pro-Abortion "Freedom of Choice Act"
Washington, DC ( -- The head of pro-life outreach for the nation's Catholic bishops has sent a letter to members of Congress warning them about a bill that could be the most extreme measure on abortion ever introduced. The so-called Freedom of Choice Act would make unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy the national law. But, the measure would go further and undo the abortion limits put in place in all 50 states since Roe v. Wade that have helped reduce abortions to record lows. It would invalidate laws ranging from bans on partial-birth abortions to implementing parental involvement for teenagers to prohibiting taxpayer funding of abortions. Though the measure has not received significant national attention -- taking a back seat to the debate over Barack Obama's votes against a bill to help newborns who survive abortions -- the presidential candidate said signing it would be the first action he would take if elected. Cardinal Justin Rigali sent the letter to Congress on Friday and warned against enactment of the proposed bill (S. 1173, H.R. 1964). "Despite its deceptive title," he wrote, "FOCA would deprive the American people in all 50 states of the freedom they now have to enact modest restraints and regulations on the abortion industry." He added: "FOCA would coerce all Americans into subsidizing and promoting abortion with their tax dollars. And FOCA would counteract any and all sincere efforts by government to reduce abortions in our country.” Full story at
Pro-Life Advocates Nationwide Excited About Next 40 Days for Life Campaign
Washington, DC ( -- Pro-life advocates across the country are excited about the upcoming 40 Days for Life prayer campaign. The event, which takes place in communities and at abortion centers nationwide, doesn't officially start until this Wednesday yet thousands of people have already begun to get involved. David Bereit, the head of the campaign, tells that he went to Indiana to meet with hundreds of people getting started at a kick-off rally. "Yesterday afternoon, I was blessed to join more than 200 people at the 40 Days for Life kick-off in Indianapolis -- which concluded with a two-mile procession to the Planned Parenthood abortion center where the campaign will be focused," he said. "I then drove up to Fort Wayne where 300 people packed a Lutheran school gymnasium for an electrifying kick-off event," he added. "At the end of the rally, the attendees collectively committed to hundreds of hours of participation in their local 40 Days for Life vigil." Bereit says he is getting similar reports from other cities across North America and many locations are still gearing up for their kick-off events which will be held over the next three days. Full story at
New York Times Claims Ad on Barack Obama's Abortion Views "Lying"
New York, NY ( -- The New York Times has displayed its pro-abortion bias in a recent editorial suggesting that a group wanting to air ads about Barack Obama's abortion record can't do so. The Real Truth About Obama is a PAC that has run into limits from the FEC on running its ads. The Times editorializes that the group shouldn't be able to run its ads, which it deems to be filled with "smears" and "lies." According to the Times, the ad "even employs an Obama-like voice pledging to make taxpayers pay for abortions, help minors conceal abortions from their parents, and legalize late-term abortions." But Ramesh Ponnuru, a writer for National Review, points out the problems with the Times' analysis. He points to Barack Obama's comments in July 2007 where he said, "The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act." That's a bill that would make unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy the national law and overturn any abortion limits in all 50 states. "That bill would require taxpayer funding of abortion, eliminate parental-involvement laws, and end restrictions on partial-birth abortion," Ponnuru explained. "That's what the plain language of the act means, and it's what its leading advocates say it would do." Full story at
Denver Post Opposes Abortion Vote, Misstates Science on When Life Begins
Denver, CO ( -- The Denver Post came out against Amendment 48 with an editorial on Monday that challenges the personhood amendment. However, the newspaper gets its facts wrong when it attempts to make the case that scientists say human life begins at implantation, rather than conception. The amendment would define the beginning of human life as the point of conception and have potential ramifications for abortion and embryonic stem cell research. But the Post is urging Colorado votes to oppose the measure on the November ballot. The newspaper goes on to say that people can disagree about when human life begins but claims the amendment "doesn't fit with good science." "Medical and scientific experts set the start of pregnancy at the point a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus," the paper contends. However, that's not the case. ACTION: Send a letter to the editor to the Denver Post at: Full story at
Australia Catholic Hospitals Would Have to Partly Close if Abortion Bill Passed
Washington, DC ( -- A leading Catholic bishop in Australia says Catholic hospitals would have to close their maternity wards and emergency departments if the parliament of the state of Victoria approves a new bill that would officially legalize abortion. Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne says he's concerned about the bill and says it would result in an attack on religious freedom. He says the 15 Catholic hospitals in the state would be forced to close portions of their centers that could see staff forced to do abortions to comply with abortion access provisions of the law. "The bill is an unprecedented attack on the freedom to hold and exercise fundamental religious beliefs," the letter says. "It also requires health professionals with a conscientious objection to abortion to perform an abortion in whatever is deemed an emergency." Full story at
Steamboat Springs, Colorado United Way Raises Money for Abortion Business
Steamboat Springs, CO ( -- The Routt County United Way in Steamboat Springs, a northern Colorado community, is getting heat because it is raising money to fund 40 charities, one of which is an abortion business. The United Way chapter funds 40 programs for health and human services in Routt County. That includes Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, which does thousands of abortions annually on women from Colorado and Wyoming. The UW chapter recently announced its 26th annual campaign that goes until mid November and it hopes to raise $600,000 after bringing in slightly under that amount last year. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains does about 8,800 abortions annually on women from Colorado and four surrounding states. ACTION: Contact the Routt County United Way with your complaints about its donations to the Planned Parenthood abortion business at: PO Box 774005, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. You can also call (970)879-5605, fax (970)879-1185, or email Full story at