September 12, 2008
This Saturday on America's Lifeline!
This Saturday, September 13th on America's Lifeline our guest will be Attorney Jerri Lynn Ward.

On June 14, 2007, she was a speaker at the annual National Right To Life Convention held in Kansas City. She spoke on the topic of Futile Care Theory. She is the hostess of the monthly talk radio show, "I Object! Justice Examined" on Right Talk Radio. Attorney Ward has also appeared on numerous radio shows and on Geraldo regarding pro-life issues.
America's Lifeline is hosted by Sheila Liaugminas, former Time magazine reporter and a previous host on the popular radio show The Right Questions and Issues and Answers on Relevant Radio. The program will be co-hosted by Bobby Schindler and Suzanne Vitadamo, directors of Terri's Foundation and brother and sister of Terri Schiavo.
Remember, we will be taking your phone calls live on the air! So call 877-969-8600.
Will you help?
Click on the icon to make a donation to Terri’s Foundation. Thank you!