Sunday, July 11, 2010

Abortion Mill Chainsaw Can't Stop Life!

Rockford Abortion Mill Attempt To Silence Pro-Lifers Backfires - BIGTIME! Abortion mill landlord responds to local D.J.'s pro-life message with a chainsaw!

Rockford IL, July 9, 2010 - The Rockford abortion mill, that has for weeks been blaring a radio in an attempt to silence pro-lifers who offer help to mothers in need as they cross the parking-lot of the Northern Illinois Women's Center, received a very big surprise Friday morning.

A little after 7:00am WNTA, the radio station the clinic plays over its amplified public address sound system , that can be heard blocks away, opened up its phone lines to callers. The first caller they took, live on the air, was a pro-lifer who was standing at the driveway of the Rockford abortion mill that is nationally known for its signs mocking God and celebrating the number of children they have killed.

The local pro-life activist was able to clearly explain, on-air, to D.J. Doug McDuff that the Rockford abortion mill is using WNTA in an attempt to silence offers of help to mothers in need at the abortion mill.

Just at that moment one of the abortion mill workers got out of her car to walk into the mill. The mill landlord who puts up the signs mocking God was also listening in.

When D.J. Doug McDuff heard what was happening he began calling out live over the radio in a very, very loud voice, "God bless pro-lifers, God bless pro-lifers, God bless pro-lifers!"

Appearing completely shocked, the abortion mill nurse who heard this began waving her arms around her head like she couldn't believe what was being broadcast over the abortion mill public address system. The look of almost terror and confusion on her face was priceless as she scrambled into the mill.

D.J. Doug McDuff allowed the pro-lifer who was standing at the mill driveway to explain on air to the people of Rockford and all those both inside and out of the mill that Christians come to the Rockford abortion mill to offer love, help, and hope to mothers in need.

The conversation was closed with a request to the people of Rockford to pray for mothers in need and an end to abortion.

The enthusiastic D.J. closed the live on air conversation repeating his rallying cry of "God bless pro-lifers."

The abortion mill landlord seemed so infuriated that his own public address system was used to loudly and boldly proclaim the pro-life message of love and hope in his own abortion mill that he came charging out of the abortion mill with a chainsaw!

This is the same person who has claimed responsibility for placing a rubber chicken over the body of Christ on a Crucifix, perverted signs attacking Christians, and putting up a sign that claims the 50,000 children that have been killed by abortion in his building, the Northern Illinois Women Centers, is their victory over Jesus Christ.

He stood by his loud speakers all morning with a chainsaw running just in case another pro-lifer spoke about the love and help that is offered to any mother in need.

Later that morning one mother who possibly heard the message of love and hope broadcast over the Rockford abortion mills own speakers left the mill with her baby alive and well and did not return. A LIFE WAS SAVED!