Saturday, July 10, 2010

A letter from Father Pavone~ Biology of Prenatal Development

We intend to distribute this video to every pregnancy center, every school, and
every Church in America and we need your help! We invite you to view this
video, and let us know that you would like to collaborate with us in this

Usually when discussing the development of the preborn I provide different
links to movie clips from the Biology of Prenatal Development~

~Awesome watch embryo 4Weeks 4Days old~ heartbeat in action

~The embryo has brainwaves by 6 weeks, 2 days!
~By 8 weeks, 75% of embryos exhibit righthand dominance.
~The 9-Week fetus via MRI
~EHD Morph human
life stages shown in 44 secs
These are from the DVD which is distributed by the National Geographic but they
don't show it on their channel or I haven't ever seen it listed. I think it would be great for so many people to see the truth about the development of the unborn!